The 2015 Church of the Brethren Yearbook is now available for purchase from Brethren Press. The Yearbook is the annual directory of the Church of the Brethren denomination, and is published in pdf format on CD. The 2015 Yearbook may be purchased for $21.50, plus shipping and handling.
In more news from Brethren Press, the website of the online bookstore recently was updated and offers new mobile-friendly features as well as a new look. “The Brethren Press website has undergone a sleek transformation,” reports marketing director Jeff Lennard. “The new modern design was selected for its versatility, responsiveness, and ability to showcase products without distraction. Site navigation was also improved by refining categories and search functions.” The aim of the update is to enhance the overall customer experience. To view the new look visit .
2015 Yearbook
The Church of the Brethren Yearbook includes detailed contact information for each congregation in the Church of the Brethren, along with information about each of the denomination’s 24 districts, agencies of the church, the denominational staff, and more.
In the statistical reporting section of the Yearbook, statistics are collected for the denominationa and its districts in the previous year. In the 2015 Yearbook, the statistical section reports numbers for 2014.
The 2015 Yearbook has been published later than usual because of delays relating to the shift to a new database at the Church of the Brethren General Offices. Usually the annual Yearbook is available in mid-year. However, the 2015 Yearbook includes the most up-to-date information available as of fall 2015.
Order the yearbook at or call Brethren Press at 800-441-3712.