
May is Older Adult Month

By Debbie Eisenbise

Youth Sunday, graduations, Pentecost, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day–May is a busy month! The Office of Intergenerational Ministries encourages congregations to also celebrate May as Older Adult Month.

Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 as Senior Citizens’ Month (later renamed Older Americans’ Month), for the Church of the Brethren this is an opportunity to affirm older adults’ gifts, highlight participation, and engage in meaningful discussions about generations, aging, and our shared life together.

A variety of congregational resources are available online at www.brethren.org/oam/older-adult-month.html including links to video recordings from the 2015 National Older Adult Conference. A number of congregations have used sermons, Ken Medema’s songs, Bob Bowman’s Bible studies, and other excerpts in worship and adult Christian education classes. Materials for children’s times and intergenerational discussions are also listed. Brethren Press’ new picture book, “The Seagoing Cowboy” by Peggy Reiff Miller, encourages young and old to explore Brethren history together.

While May is designated as Older Adult Month, the Fellowship of Brethren Homes (www.brethren.org/homes ) appreciate connecting with congregations throughout the year. The fellowship is made up of Church of the Brethren-related retirement communities across the nation.

And in the fall, information about our National Older Adult Conference will again appear as we get ready for an inspirational gathering in September 2017. Look for promotional DVDs at this summer’s Annual Conference, and connect with us on Facebook at Church of the Brethren NOAC.

— Debbie Eisenbise directs the Church of the Brethren’s Intergenerational Ministry, as part of the staff of Congregational Life Ministries.


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