
Initiatives for Nigeria Will Rebuild Churches, Collect Books for Children and Bible College

The Nigeria Crisis Response and Brethren Disaster Ministries are offering new ways to support Ekklesiyar Yan’ua a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), including a collection of “Books for Nigeria” and a new church rebuilding program.

The Nigeria Crisis Fund also continues to receive monetary donations for ongoing work that aids Nigerian Brethren and others affected by violence through efforts that include food aid, material relief, agricultural development, trauma recovery, education, and rebuilding of homes, among other work.


Photo by Carl & Roxane Hill
Students at a school for displaced children in Nigeria. It is children such as these who may benefit from an initiative to collect “Books for Nigeria.”

Books for Nigeria

EYN-related schools are in need of books for their libraries and classrooms. For this collection, donations of new or gently used children’s books that are in good condition are requested. The books should be suitable for children ages 6 to 16. Specifically requested are paperback chapter books for children, such as those recognized by the Newberry Award. Non-fiction books and children’s encyclopedias also are requested. All books should be in good condition and published in the last 20 years.

Kulp Bible College, the ministry training school of EYN, is requesting help to supply its library. The college needs materials for training pastors including books on Christian education, theology, preaching, Hebrew and Greek, pastoral counseling, and ethics, along with Bible commentaries and reference books. All books should be in good condition and published in the last 20 years. The college staff have provided a wish list of specific titles, go to www.brethren.org/nigeriacrisis/action.html . Call 410-635-8731 for more information.

Send books to: Books for Nigeria, Brethren Service Center Annex, 601 Main St., New Windsor, MD 21776. Books must arrive at the Brethren Service Center by Nov.  20.


Church rebuilding

EYN has 458 churches and many more smaller branches and preaching points. The destruction wrought by Boko Haram has destroyed 1,668 of these structures, or nearly 70 percent of EYN’s churches. In recent months, as it has become safe for displaced people to return to some areas of the northeast, some larger congregations have built temporary structures as meeting places.

A special Nigeria Church Rebuilding Fund has been started to provide resources for rebuilding EYN churches.


Give online at www.brethren.org/nigeriacrisis or send donations to Nigeria Church Rebuilding, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120.


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