
India Brethren Hold 101st Annual Meeting

The 101st Jilla Sabha was held in Champawadi, Vyara District, Tapi, on May 12-13. The meeting included the appointment of new leadership for the First District Church of the Brethren in India.

Photo courtesy of Darryl Sankey
Leadership at the 101st annual meeting of the First District Church of the Brethren in India, held on May 12-13.


Photo by Jay Wittmeyer
The late India elder M.M. Gameti (at right) shown here with David Steele who attended the 100th annual meeting of the First District Church of the Brethren in India when he was moderator of the 2015 Annual Conference.


“Our long serving secretary of more than 25 years, Deacon Dhansukhbhai Christian, retired from this position hence ushering a leadership change in a key position,” wrote Darryl R. Sankey in an e-mail report to the Global Mission and Service office. “Brother Ramesh Makwan has been elected unanimously to serve as secretary of the First District Church of the Brethren, whereas Deacon Jeevanbhai Gamit has been appointed as the treasurer.”

Sankey also shared news of the death of the moderator of last year’s 100th Jilla Sabha, Elder M. M. Gameti, who passed away in December 2015. Elder Kantilal S. Rajwadi was appointed as interim moderator in his place, and was confirmed as moderator for the 101st Jilla Sabha.

“The Jilla Sabha paid respect to Elder Rev. M. M. Gameti by observing a minutes silence and praying for him and his family,” Sankey reported. “A condolence resolution was also passed remembering and appreciating his long and dedicated service to the church. His absence was felt during the Jilla Sabha.”

Sankey also reported that apart from the regular business no major decisions were taken at the annual meeting this year. He added that litigation between First District Church of the Brethren and the Church of North India “still continues…regarding possession of churches at several places. A resolution has been passed to counter CNI by all available legal remedies.”


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