Four new webinars continue the theme, “The Heart of Anabaptism,” in 2016, announces the Congregational Life Ministies staff. The webinar presenters will explore the core convictions of the Anabaptist Network in the United Kingdom.
Webinar dates and times and themes follow:
–Thursday, Jan. 14, 2:30 p.m. (eastern time): “The Church’s Witness at its Best.” An announcement explained the focus of this webinar: “The frequent association of the church with status, wealth, and force is inappropriate for followers of Jesus and damages our witness. We are committed to vulnerability and to exploring ways of being good news to the poor, powerless, and persecuted, aware that such discipleship may attract opposition, resulting in suffering and sometimes ultimately martyrdom.” Presenter Juliet Kilpin helps coordinate Urban Expression, an urban mission agency pioneering creative and relevant forms of church in inner cities in the UK. She has been an urban mission advocate and activist for almost 25 years, and is also a freelance consultant and trainer.
–Thursday, Feb. 11, 2:30 p.m. (eastern time): “Spirituality and Economics.” This webinar will address the network’s Core Conviction #6, “Spirituality and economics are inter-connected. In an individualist and consumerist culture and a world where economic injustice is rife, we are committed to finding ways of living simply, sharing generously, caring for creation and working for justice.” Presenter Joanna (Jo) Frew lives and works in a house of hospitality that she and her partner run for destitute asylum seekers. For many years, she worked with the SPEAK Network on social justice campaigns and is now active in nonviolent direct action against an arms fair and Trident renewal in the UK. She holds a doctorate in the history of the British Empire in India.
–Thursday, March 31, 2:30 p.m. (eastern time): “Jesus and God’s Revelation.” This event addressed Core Conviction #2, “Jesus is the focal point of God’s revelation. We are committed to a Jesus-centered approach to the Bible, and to the community of faith as the primary context in which we read the Bible and discern and apply its implications for discipleship.” Presenter Dennis Edwards is senior pastor of Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis, Minn., and is an Anabaptist scholar and practitioner, pioneer of racial reconciliation and multi-ethnic ministry, and an urban church planter. He has planted two urban, multi-ethnic churches, one in Brooklyn, N.Y., and one in Washington, D.C.
–Thursday, April 28, 2:30 p.m. (eastern time): “Peace, the Heart of the Gospel.” This event addresses Core Conviction #7, “Peace is at the heart of the gospel. As followers of Jesus in a divided and violent world, we are committed to finding non-violent alternatives and to learning how to make peace between individuals, within and among churches, in society and between nations.” Presenters Mark and Mary Hurst pastor Avalon Baptist Peace Memorial Church and are pastoral workers for the Anabaptist Association of Australia and New Zealand. Together they have led peacemaking workshops and been involved in peace activism since the late 1970s. Both are graduates of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary with degrees in Peace Studies and Christian Formation.
Each webinar is 60 minutes in length and consist of a presentation and discussion. Recordings of these webinars are available following the event at the Church of the Brethren website. For more information go to . To join the webinar on the day of the event, click on the link at . There is no charge for the webinars. Continuing education credit of .1 is available to ministers through the Brethren Academy for those who attend the live event. The webinars are sponsored by the Church of the Brethren, Urban Expression UK, Center for Anabaptist Studies, Bristol Baptist College, and Mennonite Trust.