
Terry Grove to Serve as Executive for Atlantic Southeast District

The Atlantic Southeast District of the Church of the Brethren has called Terry Grove to serve as district executive minister beginning May 1. Most recently he has been a member of Winter Park Church of the Brethren and New Covenant Church of the Brethren, where he serves as quarter time pastor. He also has been treasurer for the district and Camp Ithiel, and previously served briefly as interim district executive.

In 2017, Grove celebrates 50 years of ministry. He began his connection with the denomination in the Carson Valley (Pa.) Church of the Brethren in the early 1950s, where he was licensed to ministry during high school and later ordained. He went on to complete degrees at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa., in 1964, and Bethany Theological Seminary in 1967 and 1985. As a pastor, he has served congregations of the Church of the Brethren in Washington State, Indiana, and Floria.

He also completed 23 years of employment with Church World Service (CWS) and CROP, opening offices for them in New Jersey and Florida. After retiring from CWS/CROP, he pastored a congregation of the United Church of Christ (UCC) in Florida for 14 years and served as an interim pastor for Sebring Church of the Brethren.

Contact Grove at 321-276-4958 or asede@brethren.org .


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