
Global Women’s Project Steering Committee Meets in Virginia

The Global Women’s Project Steering Committee

A release from the Global Women’s Project.

Harrisonburg, Va., was the site for the March Global Women’s Project Steering Committee meeting. Members enjoyed the warmth of the valley of Virginia both in weather and welcome.

Our face-to-face gathering time was spent considering our connections with our partner projects, program planning, budgeting, and sharing and reporting from our work assignments. We are open to exploring new possibilities to partner with small, women-led projects that lead to economic, educational, life-sustaining benefits for their families and communities.

Connecting with local congregations and communities is an important part of our semi-annual face-to-face gathering and we offered worship leadership at Linville Creek Church of the Brethren. Special thanks to the Linville Creek congregation and pastor Nathan Hollenberg for this opportunity.

A highlight of our weekend time was a visit and learning opportunity at New Community Project in Harrisonburg, guided by Tom Benevento. New Community Project models and teaches energy efficiency, eco-building principals, sustainable transportations, engagement with the community, and outreach to people on the margins of society.

Pearl Miller completed her term on the Steering Committee. We will miss her wise presence and capable leadership. A special welcome to our newest member, Carla Kilgore.

The year 2018 will mark the 40th anniversary of the conception of Global Women’s Project. We are excited to begin the early stages of planning for this anniversary celebration. Be observant of future informational news releases and celebratory opportunities.

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