A CDS volunteer cares for children in North Carolina
Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) is responding in North Carolina following Hurricane Matthew. Areas of the state suffered severe flooding caused by the hurricane that hit the east coast of the United States after sweeping over Haiti and other areas of the Caribbean. A CDS team of volunteers traveled to Fayetteville, N.C., on Tuesday to begin serving children and families affected by the flooding.
Material Resources has been making shipments of relief goods in response to Hurricane Matthew. Materials Resources is the Church of the Brethren program that processes, warehouses, and ships disaster relief materials on behalf of ecumenical partners, based at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.
Children’s Disaster Services
“Our team of 5 has had 24 children so far in a Red Cross shelter in Fayetteville,” reports CDS associate director Kathy Fry-Miller. “We have some additional volunteers leaving Sunday to replace those who need to leave early next week.”
A Facebook post from the CDS staff offered thanks to volunteers, during a year when the program has fielded a large number of responses: “Once again, CDS sends a huge thank you to everyone volunteering and to everyone keeping the team in their thoughts and sending them positive energy these next few weeks.”
Find out more about Children’s Disaster Services at www.brethren.org/cds

Material relief goods are packed and ready to ship, in the Material Resources warehouse at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.
Material Resources
Here are the shipments that have been made or are in the process of being shipped:
On behalf of Church World Service:
— 100 Clean-up Buckets and 2 cartons of Hygiene Kits to Plymouth, N.C.;
— 1,100 Clean-up Buckets to Kinston, N.C. (in 2 different shipments);
— 1,000 Clean-up Buckets to Wilmington, N.C.;
— 6 cartons of Baby Kits, 50 cartons of School Kits, 6 cartons of Hygiene Kits, and 180 Clean-up Buckets to Williamson, W.Va.;
— 6 cartons of Baby Kits, 50 cartons of School Kits, 6 cartons of Hygiene Kits, and 180 Clean-up Buckets to Moundsville, W.Va.
On behalf of Lutheran World Relief:
— 2 40-foot containers with 220 bales of quilts, 380 cartons of Personal Care Kits, 260 cartons of School Kits, and 50 cartons of soap to Haiti.