By Karen Garrett
The Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) held its annual dinner meeting in Greensboro, N.C., on Saturday evening July 2, during the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference. The room was well filled and the sounds of fellowship abounded. Special music shared by the Glory Girls from the area of White Oak Church of the Brethren in Atlantic Northeast District preceded the evening’s message.
The message, “Carry the Light into the Workplace,” was presented by Larry Rohrer, a minister at Shanks Church of the Brethren in Southern Pennsylvania District. “Definition of carry–support or hold as you transport something from one place to another…. Carry the light carefully or it might go out,” he said. “Our house may be the most important workplace in our life. Carrying the light begins at home…daily.”
He shared five responsibilities when carrying the light in workplaces:
1. Realize that our job is a mission field. We work with many people who need this powerful light, and we may be among the few people in their lives who have the light.
2. Showcase God’s truth. “Let God’s word speak for itself, have Bible verses ready, at hand,” Rohrer said. “Take an ‘unseen partner’ to work by praying, silently, everywhere you go…copier, water cooler….”
3. Attitude is everything. Do we complain, or do we exhibit trust in God in each situation? Consecrate your work station, and act like it is a place where God is present.
4. Words matter. It is easy to fall into the world’s ways and words. Remember, co-workers are listening. Be prepared to share, but do this sharing on your own time, off the clock. Sharing God’s words “on the clock” is stealing your employer’s time.
5. Have a servant heart. Actions speak louder than words. Be helpful and aware of the needs of others.
“Carrying the Light means,” Rohrer said, “doing what Jesus would do in every circumstance.”
— Karen Garrett was one of the volunteer writers on the 2016 Annual Conference News Team.