Several new study resources for the Advent season and the Winter curriculum quarter are now available from Brethren Press. The new resources include “Unwrapping the Gift of Advent” in the Vital Ministry Journey study series; the Winter quarter of the Shine curriculum exploring the life and ministry of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Matthew; a new Believers Church Bible Commentary on Philippians.
Vital Ministry Journey study for Advent
“Unwrapping the Gift of Advent” was developed in a collaboration between Congregational Life Ministries and the Vital Ministry Team at Black Rock Church of the Brethren in Glenville, Pa. “Waiting, preparing, anticipating, celebrating. It is all part of the journey of new life,” said an announcement. “Both in the prophet Isaiah, and in the accounts of Jesus’ birth, we are reminded how the roots of our faith lead us to refreshment and redirection. As you unwrap the gift of Advent with the Vital Ministry Journey, allow yourself to ask tough questions, examine the times of scripture both in Israel and in Bethlehem, and place yourself in the hearts of these biblical figures. Surprise yourself by inviting God to speak new insights into the understanding of the painfully exciting gift that is newness, a newness that comes with the unforgiving reality of time.”
The Vital Ministry Journey offers resources and support for congregations interested in renewing their vitality and mission. This new booklet in the Vital Ministry Journey series of resources is arranged in six study sessions. Order from Brethren Press for $6 per booklet, one booklet per person, at
Shine curriculum
The Winter 2016-17 quarter of the Shine curriculum from Brethren Press and MennoMedia includes the Advent and Christmas season, and explores the life and teachings of Jesus as told in the book of Matthew. “Children will have the opportunity to memorize the Beatitudes from Jesus’ well-known Sermon on the Mount. Teachers and children will enjoy parables about wise builders and treasure seekers, and reflect on what it means to love an enemy,” said an announcement. “With stories from Nazareth, Bethlehem, Egypt, the desert, a mountainside, the Jordan River, and the Sea of Galilee, you won’t want to miss these journeys with Jesus!” Call Brethren Press at 800-441-3712 to place Shine orders.
Philippians commentary
A new commentary has been published in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series published jointly by a group of denominations including the Church of the Brethren. The new volume on Philippians is written by Gordon Zerbe. According to a release from the series, the new commentary “challenges readers to allow Paul’s prison letter to interpret their own lives–not by extracting lessons out of historical and cultural context but by imagining themselves in the ancient Roman world.” Zerbe is vice president academic at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The Believers Church Bible Commentary series is designed to be accessible to lay readers, useful in preaching and pastoral care, helpful for Bible study groups and Sunday school teachers, and academically sound. The series also carries an underlying Anabaptist reading of scripture. The volumes are a cooperative project of Brethren in Christ Church, Brethren Church, Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Brethren Church, Mennonite Church Canada, and Mennonite Church USA. Order from Brethren Press by calling 800-441-3712.
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