
Atlantic Southeast Holds 10th Annual Family Peace Camp

By Jerry Eller

Atlantic Southeast District held its 10th Labor Day Weekend Family Peace Camp at Camp Ithiel, Fla., on Sept. 2-4. The theme for the camp was “Pathways to Inner Peace.” The resource leaders were pastor Belita and Don Mitchell from Harrisburg, Pa. Belita Mitchell, a former Annual Conference moderator, provided the focus for the five sessions, while Don Mitchell provided meaningful and stirring music.

The Mitchells were dynamic and engaging. Participants commented on being challenged spiritually as well as being challenged to engage in faith-based actions. Lifted up was “Heeding God’s Call-Actions to end gun violence.”

Rose Cadet and Jerry Eller were the co-deans of the camp. Many others contributed to the Spirit-filled weekend. Karen Neff provided the evening worship activities. Marcus Harden also provided leadership throughout the weekend, from get-acquainted activities to the Farewell Circle on Sunday. Cadet and her daughter led Morning Watch on Saturday. Dawn Ziegler led a Saturday afternoon “fun time break.” Eller hosted the Saturday evening Variety Show. Sunday Morning Watch was facilitated by the Sutton family. Insightful contributions were made by Steve Horrell and Berwyn Oltman. Phil Lersch and Merle Crouse helped with the ongoing flow of the camp and Mike Neff helped meet the conference needs.

The 45 attendees were involved in all aspects of the camp. They represented the diversity that is the Brethren population in Florida. People experienced a profound connection to each other, God, and Jesus. Many wonderful memories came from this Family Peace Camp.


Jerry Eller of St. Petersburg, Fla., provided this report and Phil Lersch submitted it on behalf of the Family Peace Camp team.



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