
Amy Beery Named Admissions Counselor for Bethany Seminary

By Jenny Williams

Bethany Theological Seminary announces that Amy Beery of Indianapolis, Ind., has been hired as part-time admissions counselor as of June 29. She earned a master of divinity from Bethany in 2013 and most recently has worked in chaplaincy for Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis.

Traveling throughout the country, Beery will be a spokesperson for the programs and community at Bethany in a variety of recruitment and promotional situations. One emphasis will be to make new contacts with prospective students that reflect a growing diversity in the student body, as well as the important efforts to strengthen existing prospective relationships.

Amy Gall Ritchie, interim executive director of Student Services, notes Beery’s own seminary experience and her ability to assist others in discerning how Bethany can become their seminary of choice. “Amy brings to Bethany’s mission a strong interest in walking with persons who are sensing a call to ministry in its many forms. She has developed skills in deep and dynamic listening, and is able to then provide support, information, and encouragement for the way forward. She brings a straightforward and positive character to her personal relationships.”

— Jenny Williams is director of communications for Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind.


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