
Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center Offers Series of Continuing Education Events

The Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC) based at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College is holding a series of continuing education events. Heading the series is “Lives of Devotion: Biblical Approaches to Spiritual Life” taught by biblical scholars Bob Neff and Christina Bucher.

“Lives of Devotion” will take participants beyond the Psalter to delve into the Bible’s devotional texts and their varied spiritual “dispositions.” Participants will study Jeremiah 11-20, Job 38-42, Song of Songs, and prayers in 1 and 2 Chronicles, especially the “prayer of Jabez,” using Corinne Ware’s work on spirituality in later Israel to guide reflection. The format will include both lecture and discussion, with some questions posed to participants in advance. The event is April 29, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Susquehanna Room at Elizabethtown College. Cost is $60 and includes light breakfast, lunch, and 0.6 continuing education units. Registration and payment are due April 13. For more information and a registration form go to www.etown.edu/programs/svmc/files/Registration_LivesOfDevotion.pdf .

Also planned in the series:

“Emotional Intelligence: The Difference that Makes the Difference,” taught by Don Booz on Aug. 22, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Nicarry Meeting House in the Brethren Home, New Oxford, Pa. The event offers 0.4 continuing education units. More details to come.

“The Gospel of Mark and Twenty-First Century Ministry,” with Dan Ulrich, New Testament scholar from Bethany Theological Seminary, as keynote speaker, plus panelists from multiple ministry contexts, takes place Nov. 9, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. Cost is $60 and includes light breakfast, lunch, and 0.6 continuing education units.

“The Book of Chronicles and the Church: Theology, Continuity, Innovation, and the Kingdom of God,” will be taught by Bethany Seminary dean Steven Schweitzer in Spring 2016.

Contact the SVMC office with questions or for more information, svmc@etown.edu or 717-361-1450.

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