Bethany Seminary hosted one of the daily ice cream socials at NOAC
The 2015 National Older Adult Conference, which was the Church of the Brethren’s 13th NOAC, gathered 906 people at the Lake Junaluska (N.C.) Conference Center on Sept. 7-11. This number includes registered participants, staff, volunteers, guest speakers, and young adult assistants.
Here are some more NOAC numbers:
$3,297.43*: offering received during worship on Monday, Sept. 7
$8,662.02*: offering received during worship on Wednesday, Sept. 9
$11,344.19*: offering received during worship on Friday, Sept. 11

NOACers got up early for the walk/run around Lake Junaluska benefiting the Nigeria Crisis Fund.
NOAC for Nigeria walk/run around Lake Junaluska:
$1,010: received in registration fees
$8,939*: received in additional donations to the Nigeria Crisis Fund
$9,949*: total raised for the Nigeria Crisis Response
Kits for Kids:
46: number of NOAC volunteers who assembled kits for distribution by Church World Service, through the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.
416: number of School Kits assembled
287: number of Hygiene Kits assembled
$1,283*: received in donations to Church World Service

The NOAC Golf Scramble is a favorite recreation activity. Shown here, a couple of NOACers prepare to set out on their golf cart.
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403: new books donated to Junaluska Elementary School–more than one each for the school’s 350 students
1 box: gently used books donated to the elementary school for classroom use
1 box: extras from the Kits for Kids service project donated to the school to aid students in need
And now…NOAC News!:
Too many to count: laughs, chuckles, contented sighs, and even the occasional tear elicited from NOACers by the video antics of the NOAC News crew: David Sollenberger, Larry Glick, and Chris Brown.
*The Treasurer’s Office notes that these are not final numbers, but represent the tally of checks and cash donations as of this publication date.