The 2015 Mountain Meadows Song and Story Fest on the theme, “Moving in Time With…” is planned for July 26-Aug. 1 at Camp Wilbur Stover, New Meadows, Idaho. Song and Story Fest is an annual intergenerational family camp featuring Brethren musicians and storytellers, co-sponsored by On Earth Peace. This is the 19th summer in a row for Song and Story Fest.
“The universe, our world, and life itself are always in motion,” said an invitation to the camp. “As people of faith, we seek to sort out the movement of God in our time and space. We want to enjoy and celebrate that movement as well as to join in amplifying it. At the Fest, through music and stories and community, we open ourselves to the holy so that our life and work and struggles move more in time with the energizing Spirit of Life. Join us as we invite the Lord of the Dance to lead us all, wherever we may be, as we move in time with….”
Storytellers and workshop leaders include Heidi Beck, Matt Guynn, Jonathan Hunter, John Jones, Lee Krähenbühl, and Jim Lehman. Musicians include Louise Brodie, Jeffrey Faus and Jenny Stover-Brown, Bill Jolliff, Steve Kinzie, Shawn Kirchner, Peg Lehman, Mike Stern, and Mutual Kumquat: Chris Good, Seth Hendricks, Ethan Setiawan, David Hupp.
The experience is for all ages, and both single persons and families will enjoy the combination of performance and participation in a relaxed camp setting, said the invitation. The schedule includes intergenerational gatherings, worship, workshops for adults, children, and youth, family and recreation time, story swaps, music-making, campfires, and concerts or a folk dance.
Registration includes all meals, on-site facilities, and leadership. Children 5 and under are welcome at no charge. Registration for adults is $300, teens $200, and children 6-12 $150, with a maximum total fee per family of $850. Daily fees also are available. Registrations made after June 15 should add a 10 percent late fee.
Register at http://onearthpeace.org/song-story-fest-2015 . Call Darlene Johnson at the On Earth Peace office at 410-635-8704 for registration questions. For additional information or program questions or if you need financial help to attend, contact director Ken Kline Smeltzer at 814-571-0495 or 814-466-6491 or bksmeltz@comcast.net .