By Erin Matteson
The Minister’s Association invites you to join them and Joyce Rupp in Tampa, Fla. Registration is up and running for the pre-Conference Meeting, “Delving Deeply into Compassion,” with Joyce Rupp.
Rupp has avidly researched and spoken on the topic of compassion for the past 10 years. She firmly believes that compassion can change a heart, change a life, change a world. Her presentations include foundational insights, as well as current trends related to being a compassionate presence. She will explore the depths of the vital quality of compassion from numerous dimensions, including scripture, science, medicine, spirituality, and psychology.
The focus of this continuing education event will be personal transformation and the renewal of vision and enthusiasm for ministry. Thus, time will be given for integration of the topic by including periods of dialogue and quiet reflection. Come and delve more deeply into a quality of Jesus meant to permeate the heart and life of the pastoral person.
Three sessions will be held: Friday evening, July 10, from 6-9 p.m.; Saturday, July 11 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with a lunch break. Childcare is provided at a minimal cost. Continuing education units are available.
Register online at today or by mail using the 2015 Event Registration Form found on that webpage. For questions contact Erin Matteson, Ministers’ Association chair, at or 209-484-5937.
More about Joyce Rupp
Joyce Rupp is well known for her ministry as a writer, “spiritual midwife,” international retreat leader, and conference speaker. She is a member of the Servants of Mary religious community and the author of 22 award-winning books on spiritual growth. She has been a spiritual director for 30 years, and a volunteer for Hospice, and is currently the co-director of the Institute of Compassionate Presence. She resides in Des Moines, Iowa, and can be visited online at .
View Rupp’s video invitation to the Minister’s Association meeting at .
— Erin Matteson is chair of the Church of the Brethren Minister’s Association and co-pastor of Modesto (Calif.) Church of the Brethren.