
Carol Scheppard Chosen as Moderator-Elect, Among Other Election Results

Photo by Glenn Riegel
The consecration of a new moderator and moderator elect for 2016. Kneeling at left, Andy Murray is consecrated as moderator. Kneeling at right, Carol Scheppard is consecrated moderator-elect.

Carol Scheppard has been chosen as moderator-elect of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, in an election of new denominational leadership. She will serve as moderator-elect for next year’s Conference in 2016, and as moderator for the 2017 Conference.

Carol Scheppard is vice president and dean for Academic Affairs at Bridgewater (Va.) College and is a member of Lebanon Church of the Brethren in Mount Sidney, Va. She grew up in New England, living at various times in Thomaston, Conn.; Salem, Mass.; and Putney, Vt. It was in Putney where she first encountered the Brethren, joining Genesis Church of the Brethren under the leadership of pastor Paul Grout. With blessings from the Genesis community, she completed her master of divinity degree at Princeton Theological Seminary and was ordained to teach philosophy and religion at Bridgewater College. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, a master’s degree in Special Education from Lesley College in Cambridge, Mass., and a doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. When not engaging the work of higher education, she enjoys time on her little farm, sharing life with a rescued and adopted menagerie including two goats, a horse, a dog, two cats, and four fish.

Other new leadership

The following new leaders are listed by position. Names of those elected by the Conference are listed below, with those affirmed for agency board positions also listed:

Program and Arrangements Committee:
Founa Inola Augustin-Badet of Eglise des Freres Haitiens Church of the Brethren, Miami, Fla.

Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee:
Beth M. Cage of Lewiston Church of the Brethren in Northern Plains District

Review and Evaluation Committee:
Ben S. Barlow of Montezuma Church of the Brethren in Shenandoah District
Tim Harvey of Oak Grove Church of the Brethren in Virlina District
Leah J. Hileman of Lake View Christian Fellowship in Southern Pennsylvania District
Robert D. Kettering of Lititz Church of the Brethren in Atlantic Northeast District
David Shumate of Daleville Church of the Brethren in Virlina District

Mission and Ministry Board:
Area 1 – Paul Albert Liepelt of Somerset Church of the Brethren, Western Pennsylvania District
Area 4 – John Hoffman of Monitor Community Church of the Brethren, Western Plains District
Area 5 – Mark Bausman of Community Church of the Brethren in Idaho District

Affirmed to positions on the Mission and Ministry Board:
Carl R. Fike of Oak Park Church of the Brethren, West Marva District
David C. Stauffer of Stevens Hill Church of the Brethren, Atlantic Northeast District
Patrick C. Starkey of Cloverdale Church of the Brethren, Virlina District

On Earth Peace Board:
Christy Crouse of Warrensburg Church of the Brethren in Missouri and Arkansas District

Affirmed to positions on the On Earth Peace board:
George D. Barnhart of Central Church of the Brethren, Virlina District
Gail Erisman Valeta of Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren, Western Plains District
Jordan Bles of Westminster Church of the Brethren, Mid-Atlantic District
Irvin R. Heishman of West Charleston Church of the Brethren, Southern Ohio District

Brethren Benefit Trust Board:
Harry Spencer Rhodes of Central, Roanoke Church of the Brethren in Virlina District

Affirmed to positions on the BBT board:
Gerald A. Patterson of Manassas Church of the Brethren, Mid-Atlantic District
Donna McKee Rhodes of Stone Church of the Brethren, Middle Pennsylvania District

Bethany Theological Seminary Board of Trustees:
Laity: Lynn N. Myers of Antioch Church of the Brethren in Virlina District
Clergy: Christopher Bowman of Manassas Church of the Brethren in Mid-Atlantic District

Affirmed to positions on the seminary board:
David W. Miller of Black Rock Church of the Brethren, Southern Pennsylvania District
John W. Flora of Bridgewater Church of the Brethren, Shenandoah District

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