
Devotional Calls Readers to Prepare for Advent ‘In the Fullness of Time’

The 2015 Advent Devotional from Brethren Press, “In the Fullness of Time,” is written by Anita Hooley Yoder. It focuses readers’ attention on the birth of Jesus Christ as a gift from God “when the fullness of time had come” (Galatians 4:4).

This theme scripture calls Christians to the redemption promised by God, and their adoption into the heavenly family as God’s children–an appropriate theme in preparation for the Advent and Christmas seasons and the birth of the Christ child.

This pocket-size paperback is suitable for individual use or for congregations to provide to their members. Purchase copies for $2.75 each or $5.95 for large print by calling 800-441-3712. The devotional also may be purchased at www.brethrenpress.com.

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