
CDS Volunteers Serve Children and Families Affected by Tornadoes in Oklahoma

Photo courtesy of CDS
CDS volunteer Donna Savage cares for children in Oklahoma City, after tornados and flooding affected the area.

Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) set up a children’s center in a Multi Agency Resource Center in Oklahoma City, Okla., this past weekend, in response to the tornadoes and floods in the area. CDS is a part of Brethren Disaster Ministries.

Since 1980, CDS has been meeting the needs of children by setting up child care centers in shelters and disaster assistance centers across the nation. The program works with the American Red Cross and FEMA to set up child care centers after disasters.

“Thank you to our Children’s Disaster Services team in Oklahoma City last week-end: Nancy McDougall, Myrna Jones, and Donna Savage! And to the children and families that shared of themselves, even in the midst of their own difficult circumstances,” wrote CDS associate director Kathleen Fry-Miller in a Facebook post about the response.

On Saturday, May 16, the CDS volunteers served 15 children. On Sunday, May 17, the group cared for 15 children. Nancy McDougall served as the project manager.

For more information about CDS and to find out how to volunteer, go to www.childrensdisasterservices.org .

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