
Webinars on ‘Generative Leadership’ Offered by Congregational Life Ministries with Partners in the UK

Two new webinars are being offered by Congregational Life Ministries and partners in the United Kingdom. The topic is “Generative Leadership.” Hosted by the Church of the Brethren, the webinars are organized together with Urban Expression, Bristol Baptist College, and BMS World Mission.

The webinars feature presenters Kerry Coke and Fran Beckett, Christian leaders actively involved in missional communities in the UK, and are a result of the cooperative effort between Congregational Life Ministries and organizations that network with Stuart Murray Williams to promote the vitality of Christian faith communities.

On Tuesday, Feb. 25, the webinar titled “Relational Leadership” will be led by Kerry Coke. Interested in developing a leadership culture that values relational behavior? The webinar explores ways of identifying and drawing out individual leadership potential in a multicultural and diverse context through relationships.

On Thursday, March 27, the webinar titled “Leading Teams–Positives, Pressures, and Potential” will be led by Fran Beckett. The webinar explores the role of leadership in building and leading effective teams. The presentation will include consideration of principles and practicalities of an
empowering leadership style, and how vulnerability as a team leader can have a positive impact.

Webinar dates and time are Feb. 25 and March 27 at 2:30-4 p.m. (Eastern time) or 7:30-9 p.m. in the UK

Ministers who attend the live webinar may earn .15 continuing education credit. Register and find out more at www.brethren.org/webcasts . For questions contact Stan Dueck at 800-323-8039 ext. 343 or sdueck@brethren.org .

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