By Brian Hanger
Join us for a webinar for a Faith Perspective on Pentagon Spending on Wednesday, Oct. 29.
Just how big is the Pentagon Budget? As we wind down from over a decade of war, Pentagon spending should be dramatically reduced. But in reality, US Pentagon spending remains excessive and contributes to the militarization of our foreign and domestic policy.
The Church of the Brethren Office of Public Witness is collaborating with the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries, the American Friends Service Committee, and others on a webinar that will provide an informative and engaging presentation on the consequences of spending so much on the Pentagon. As members of the faith community, our engagement with policy is rooted in spiritual conviction. In seeking a world that is free from war and the threat of war we must examine its true costs.
Please join us on Oct. 29 from 3-4 p.m. (eastern) for this important conversation by signing up here: .
For more information contact Nate Hosler, director of the Office of Public Witness, at .
— Bryan Hanger is advocacy assistant at the Church of the Brethren Office of Public Witness based in Washington, D.C.