New resources from Brethren Press include “Awake: Devotions for Advent Through Epiphany,” the 2014 Advent devotional written by Sandy Bosserman; the fall 2014 quarter of “A Guide for Biblical Studies” on the theme Sustaining Hope written by Larry M. Dentler, Ken Gibble, and Frank Ramirez; and a series of Bible studies for youth as part of an update of the Generation Why curriculum. More information about each resource follows; order online at or from Brethren Press customer service at 800-441-3712.
Awake: Devotions for Advent Through Epiphany
Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, is the author of the 2014 Advent devotional booklet. Brethren Press publishes an Advent and Lenten devotional each year, in a pocket-sized format suitable for individual use and for congregations to supply to their members. This year the theme “Awake” is inspired by the scripture text from 1 Thessalonians 5:5-6 (NIV): “You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.” Purchase for $2.75 per copy, or $5.95 for large print. Order by Sept. 22 to receive the pre-production price of $2.25 or $5 for large print. Shipping charges will be added to the invoice.
Sustaining Hope: A Guide for Biblical Studies
The fall quarter of A Guide for Biblical Studies offers weekly lessons for the months of September, October, and November, suitable for use by adult Sunday school or Bible study classes. Lessons for September on the theme, “The Days Are Surely Coming,” are written by Larry M. Dentler, pastor of Bermudian Church of the Brethren in East Berlin, Pa. The lessons for October and November are on the topic, “Dark Nights of the Soul” and “Visions of Grandeur” and are written by Ken Gibble, a retired pastor, freelance writer and poet from Camp Hill, Pa. The “out of context” feature is by Frank Ramirez, pastor of Union Center Church of the Brethren in Nappanee, Ind. Purchase for $4.50 per copy, or $7.50 for large print. One copy is recommended for each person in the study group. Shipping charges will be added to the invoice.
Generation Why
Brethren Press is offering an updated Generation Why curriculum for senior high youth, published in a joint venture with MennoMedia. Five of 15 studies to be published in the series are now available for this fall: “A Speck in the Universe: The Bible on Self-Esteem and Peer Pressure,” “The Radical Reign: Parables of Jesus,” “Testing the Waters: Basic Tenets of Faith,” “Keeping the Garden: A Faith Response to God’s Creation”–which all include six sessions, plus an extender session–and “How to Read the Bible: Building Skills for Bible Study” which includes five sessions, plus an extender session. These studies provide an all-in-one curriculum for adult leaders to guide youth on a journey for meaning and identity within the Christian faith, and are designed to encourage youth to encounter and explore scripture and make it their own. The studies are available in print for $18.99, purchase one copy for each teacher; shipping charges will be added to the invoice. They also are available as a digital download for $20.99, or on CD for $23.99, with permission granted to purchasers of the digital versions to copy them for additional teachers in the same class.
Order Brethren Press resources online at or from customer service at 800-441-3712.