Churches of the Brethren are encouraged to celebrate Junior High Sunday on Nov. 2. The theme for the 2014 observance of Junior High Sunday is “Honor God by Honoring Others,” based on Matthew 7:12, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.”
Resources for this annual special Sunday are available online, designed to aid junior high youth and their adult advisors lead their congregations in worship. Downloadable resources include the theme logo in several different formats, and worship resources written by Church of the Brethren members Marcus Harden, Stephen Hershberger, Audrey Hollenberg-Duffey, Rachel Witkovsky.
Worship resources include calls to worship and benedictions, invitations to give and blessings for the offering, a litany of confession, a scripture jam, a children’s story, and other creative worship elements.
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