The Church of the Brethren Workcamp Office has released the workcamp schedule for 2015, which is now available at www.brethren.org/workcamps . The theme for the year, “Side by Side: Imitating Christ’s Humility” is inspired by Philippians 2:1-8. A brochure will be mailed soon to congregations. For questions, contact the Workcamp Office at cobworkcamps@brethren.org .
2015 workcamp schedule
Find the full workcamp schedule with links to descriptions of each workcamp and a picture key identifying the different types of work at each site, at www.brethren.org/workcamps/schedule . The key provides a rough guide to the five different types of work: emphasis on relational service, gardening and eco-service, construction and painting etc., food bank or soup kitchen, thrift store or packaging clothes.
Junior high workcamps for those who have completed 6th-8th grade:
June 21-25 at the John Kline Homestead in Broadway, Va., $275
June 22-26 at Camp Pine Lake in Iowa, $275
July 1-5 hosted by Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill., $275
July 22-26 hosted by Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren in South Bend, Ind., $275
July 29-Aug 2 partnering with On Earth Peace and the Brethren Housing Association in Harrisburg, Pa., $275
Aug 5-9 hosted by Brooklyn (N.Y.) First Church of the Brethren, $275
Aug 5-9 hosted by First Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va., $275
Senior high workcamps for those having completed 9th grade through age 19:
June 7-14 at Camp Wilbur Stover in Idaho, $325
June 8-13 at Koinonia Farm in Americus, Ga., $395
June 14-20 at a project site of Brethren Disaster Ministries, to be determined, $285
June 14-20 in New Orleans, La., $425
June 21-27 at Pine Ridge Reservation in Kyle, S.D., $455
June 28-July 4 at the Family Abuse Center in Waco, Texas, $335
July 5-11 at ECHO in N. Fort Myers, Fla., $375
July 5-11 at Innisfree in Crozet, Va., $325
July 19-25 partnering with Baltimore (Md.) County Christian Workcamp, $325
July 20-26 hosted by Camp Carmel working with Crossnore School in Crossnore, N.C., $325
July 20-26 hosted by York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, Ill., $325
July 27-Aug 2 hosted by Olympic View Church of the Brethren in Seattle, Wash., $325
July 27-Aug 2 at the Brethren Nutrition Program in Washington, D.C., $325
Aug 9-15 co-sponsored by the Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) at New Horizons Ministries in Colorado, $335
Aug 9-15 hosted by Bittersweet Ministries in Los Angeles, Calif., $425
Intergenerational workcamps for youth and adults who have completed 6th grade and older:
June 14-20 at Camp Mardela on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, $325
June 20-27 co-sponsored by the Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) in Lewiston, Maine, $325
Young adult workcamps for those ages 18-35:
May 29-June 7 in the Dominican Republic, $700
June 29-July 2 We Are Able Assistants at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., $375
We Are Able:
June 29-July 2 We Are Able, a workcamp for youth and young adults with intellectual disabilities ages 16-23, in New Windsor, Md., $375
Registration will open Jan. 8, 2015, at www.brethren.org/workcamps . Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 7 p.m. (central time) on Jan. 8. A $150 non-refundable deposit will be due seven days after receipt of registration confirmation, with the full balance of the registration fee due by April 1, 2015. For more information go to www.brethren.org/workcamps .