
Covenant Study on Women in Luke and Acts, Guide for Biblical Studies on ‘First Things’ New from Brethren Press

A new Covenant Bible Study from Brethren Press titled “Women in Luke and Acts” is among the new resources from the Church of the Brethren publishing house. Order these resources from Brethren Press by calling 800-441-3712 or ordering online at www.brethrenpress.com . A shipping and handling fee will be added to the listed price.

“Women in Luke and Acts” is written by Lani Wright, an ordained minister, author and editor, and online seminary instructor based in Cottage Grove, Ore. The Covenant Bible Studies series may be used by individuals, but is especially designed for small group settings. Each study includes 10 sessions that promote interaction and encourage open discussion about practical aspects of the Christian faith.

This study examines the character and development of certain women of the Way–women who were among the first and most faithful converts of the Jesus movement. Once they became part of the Christian community, they took important roles as prophets, teachers, church leaders, and financial benefactors. Their stories will surprise, challenge, transcend  barriers, and encourage believers to turn the world upside down in Jesus’ name. Order one copy per student. Purchase from Brethren Press for $7.95.

“First Things” is the theme of the fall quarter of A Guide for Biblical Studies, written by Michael Hostetter, pastor of Salem Church of the Brethren in southern Ohio. Lessons employ selected texts from Hebrews and Acts to move towards a biblical definition of faith, speaking to the responsive obedience of God’s love revealed in Jesus as an act of faith. Each quarter of A Guide for Biblical Studies contains daily NRSV scriptures, lessons, and questions for individual preparation and classroom use. The curriculum follows the International Sunday School Lessons/Uniform Series. Purchase one copy per student, per quarter. $4.25 per copy or $7.35 for large print.

— The 2013 Annual Conference Wrap-up DVD ($29.95) and Sermons DVD ($24.95) provide an overview of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference held June 29-July 3 in Charlotte, N.C. The DVD of sermons contains five of the six messages given for the Conference worship services. Preachers are moderator Bob Krouse of Little Swatara Church of the Brethren, popular speaker and author Philip Yancey, Paul Mundey of Frederick Church of the Brethren, Pam Reist and Paul Brubaker who gave a dialogue sermon, and Suely Inhauser, a leader in the Church of the Brethren in Brazil. Both videos are produced by videographer David Sollenberger and crew.

The Living Word Bulletin Series 2014 offers bulletins for worship with texts and images chosen by Brethren, for Brethren. Since 1943, this series from Brethren Press has served congregations by providing worship resources such as litanies and prayers focused on God’s word, paired with inspiring photography and images that challenge worshipers to Christ-like living. Bulletins are offered for each Sunday from September 2013 through August 2014, with special bulletins for Love Feast and Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Subscription price is $4.25 per 50 or $2.65 per 25, per Sunday. For a flier displaying each cover and lectionary based scripture text for the year, contact Brethren Press.

Order these resources from Brethren Press by calling 800-441-3712 or ordering online at www.brethrenpress.com . A shipping and handling fee will be added to the listed price.

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