
Bus Trips from Several States Will Help Participants Get to NOAC

Photo by Ed Garrison

People in several states will have the opportunity to ride a bus to National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) this year. Round-trip bus transportation to NOAC from Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, as well as Western Plains District, has been confirmed. See contact information below.

In other NOAC news, lodging reservations open April 1 at Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center, the site for the September event. NOAC is a conference for those 50 and older, planned for Sept. 2-6 at Lake Junaluska (N.C.) Conference and Retreat Center. The theme is “Healing Springs Forth” from Isaiah 58:14, “Then you will be refreshed in the Lord.”

Reservations for hotels and lodges at Lake Junaluska will be accepted by mail or fax beginning April 1. People who require rooms in Terrace Hotel or Lambuth Inn due to physical limitations or age (75-plus) should mail or fax their reservations between April 1 through 15 to increase the likelihood of obtaining their first or second choice. After April 15, lodging will be assigned by the order in which the requests are received. After April 22, the conference center will accept phone reservations at 800-222-4930 ext. 1. Information about lodging options is at www.brethren.org/noac/lodging-info.html or call the NOAC office at 800-323-8039 ext. 305.


Bus transportation to NOAC is available for people from or living near the following areas:

— Atlantic Northeast District, leaving from Hershey, Pa. Contact Bill Puffenberger at 717-367-7021 or wvpuff@comcast.net .

— Atlantic Northeast District, leaving from Brethren Village in Lancaster, Pa. Contact Bob and Mary Anne Breneman at 717-725-3197 or mabobren@comcast.net .

— Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Don and Patti Weirich are coordinating a bus trip to NOAC that will start in Mt. Morris, Ill., with stops along the way in Indiana and Ohio. Contact them at 574-825-9185 or theweirichs@frontier.com .

— Western Plains District. Contact David Fruth at 620-245-0674 or davebonnie@cox.net or Ed and June Switzer at 620-504-6141 or ejswitzer@cox.net .

More information about NOAC, including registration materials, can be found at www.brethren.org/NOAC . Registrations are accepted online and by mail.

— Kim Ebersole is NOAC coordinator and director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministry for the Church of the Brethren.


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