Photo by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford |
Videotaping the Brethren World Assembly. |
Video recordings are available from the 5th Brethren World Assembly. The recordings in DVD format are of the main presentations and worship services, and are made available by the sponsoring body, the Brethren Encyclopedia Board, through the host organization the Brethren Heritage Center in Brookville, Ohio. The taping was done by Brethren videographer David Sollenberger and crew.
DVDs cost $5 each, or any three disks for $10, with a shipping fee added to each order:
Disk 1: Brethren spirituality in the 18th century presentation by Jeff Bach, Brethren spirituality in the 19th century presentation by Dale Stoffer, Brethren spirituality in the 20th century presentation by Bill Kostlevy.
Disk 2: The place of Jesus in Brethren spirituality presentation by Brian Moore, Word and Spirit in Brethren spirituality presentation by Brenda Colijn, and community role in Brethren Spirituality presentation by Jared Burkholder.
Disk 3: Brethren ordinances presentation by Denise Kettering Lane, Brethren ordinances panel discussion.
Disk 4: Seminars on the spiritual writings of Alexander Mack Jr. by Aaron Jerviss and Brethren hymnody by Peter Roussakis.
Disk 5: Seminar on Brethren separation from the world and engagement with the world by Carl Bowman.
Disk 6: Seminars on Brethren devotional literature and poetry by Karen Garrett, and spiritual formation practices by Christy Hill.
Disk 7: Thursday evening worship with preaching by Roger Peugh.
Disk 8: Friday evening worship with preaching by Fred Miller.
Disk 9: Saturday evening worship with preaching by Robert Alley.
Disk 10: Panels on Brethren spirituality as witness to the world.
Disk 11: Tour of Brethren sites in the Miami River Valley.
Order DVDs from the Brethren Heritage Center, 428 Wolf Creek St., Suite #H1, Brookville, OH 45309-1297; 937-833-5222; ; .