The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership has updated its upcoming course listing, which includes independent study units connected with the Ministers’ Association event in late June in advance of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, and the Fifth Brethren World Assembly in mid-July.
Brethren Academy courses are open to Training in Ministry (TRIM) and Education for Shared Ministry (EFSM) students, pastors (who may earn continuing education units), and all interested persons. Registration deadlines are noted below. The academy continues to accept students beyond the registration deadline, but on that date staff determine if there are enough students registered to offer the course. Many courses have required pre-course readings, so students must allow enough time to complete readings in advance. Students should not purchase texts or make travel plans until the registration deadline has passed, and a course confirmation is received.
For more information about these Brethren Academy courses or to enroll, contact Francine Massie, administrative assistant for the Brethren Academy, at or 765-983-1824. Register for courses noted as “SVMC” (offered by the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center, located at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College) by contacting or 717-361-1450.
— Annual Conference directed independent study unit, June 28-29 in Charlotte, N.C., available for TRIM/EFSM students. This directed independent study unit is offered in conjunction with the Ministers’ Association pre-Conference continuing education event titled “Faithful Christian Leadership in the 21st Century” led by L. Gregory Jones. The study unit is directed, planned, and led by Julie Hostetter, the Brethren Academy executive director. It will include pre-Conference reading, a one-hour session before and after the Ministers’ Association event, and attendance at the entire Ministers’ Association event. A follow-up project will be expected. If interested, contact . There will be no tuition fee, however participants must register and pay for the Ministers’ Association event. Those planning on participating will need to arrange their own lodging in Charlotte. For more about the Ministers’ Association event and to register, go to .
— Independent study unit connected with the Fifth Brethren World Assembly on the theme, “Brethren Spirituality: How Brethren Conceive of and Practice the Spiritual Life,” July 11-14, sponsored by the Brethren Encyclopedia Board and hosted by the Brethren Heritage Center in Brookville, Ohio. TRIM students wishing to attend should work with their district coordinator to arrange an independent study unit. EFSM students wanting to use this event as part of the Basic Brethren Beliefs learning unit should contact Julie Hostetter. Students are responsible for the registration fee, travel, and expenses at the assembly, and arrange their own lodging. Continuing education units are available for ordained ministers. More about the Brethren World Assembly and online registration is at .
— “Story of the Church: Reformation to the Modern Age,” an online course from July 29-Sept. 20 with instructor Craig Gandy. The registration deadline is July 15 (SVMC).
— “Ministry with Youth/Young Adults,” an online course from Aug. 19-Oct. 11 with instructor Russell Haitch, professor of Christian Education at Bethany Theological Seminary and director of the Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults. The registration deadline is July 22.
— “Introduction to Theology,” an online course from Oct. 14-Dec. 13 with instructor Malinda Berry, assistant professor of Theological Studies and director of the MA program at Bethany Seminary. The registration deadline is Sept. 16.
— “But Who Is My Neighbor? Christianity in a Global Context,” an online course in Jan. 2014 with instructor Kent Eaton, provost and professor of Cultural Studies at McPherson (Kan.) College.
For more information about Brethren Academy courses contact or 765-983-1824.