
Agency Appointees Are Confirmed by the Delegates

Photo by Regina Holmes
Annual Conference agency executives and board chairs wait on the Conference stage as the delegates confirm their financial reports and board appointments.

The four Annual Conference agencies presented appointees to be confirmed to their boards by the delegate body. The Conference confirmed all of the appointments as follows:

Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board: Connie Burk Davis of Westminster, Md., and Lorida, Fla.

On Earth Peace Board: John Cassel of Oak Park, Ill.; Michelet Hyppolite of North Woodmere, N.Y.

Bethany Theological Seminary Board of Trustees: Katherine Melhorn of Wichita, Kan.; John Neff of Moneta, Va.

Brethren Benefit Trust Board: Carol Hess of Lancaster, Pa.; Jerry Patterson of Ashburn, Va.; Beth E. Sollenberger of Goshen, Ind.

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