Photo by Regina Holmes |
Candles on some cloth formed the worship center for this evening’s young adult drum circle. |
Quotes of the day
Photo by Regina Holmes |
Jennifer Leath preaches for Tuesday evening worship. She is a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a leader in the National Council of Churches’ young adult movement. |
“Love together children. Don’t you get weary! There’s a great camp meeting on the other side.” — Jennifer Leath preaching for this evening’s worship on the theme, “Love in Action” (1 John 3:16-18). She is a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, from New York, N.Y.
“For our brothers and sisters in Nigeria whose experience is so very different from ours, and for whom the cost of discipleship may mean their very lives, I offer our prayer. I pray for peace…for the families who have lost loved ones, that you will comfort them…. Change all of our hearts.” — Moderator Tim Harvey praying for the church in Nigeria following a report on the violence going on in Nigeria, and the peacemaking efforts of the Nigerian Brethren.
“Brethren like to get together.” — Shawn Flory Replogle in the report of the Revitalization Task Force, telling about the findings of surveys on what Brethren think of Annual Conference.
“I am committed to making Annual Conference affordable for Brethren families.” — Conference director Chris Douglas giving the Program and Arrangements Committee report to the delegates
By the numbers
191 useable units of blood received out of 196 attempted donations in the Annual Conference blood drive with the American Red Cross. The Count reports that since 2000, the blood drives at Annual Conferences have collected about 2,200 units of blood over 12 years. “With the splitting of platelets and red blood cells,” he says, “we could up the 2,200 to 6,600 units. Most hospitals use about 6,000 units a year. So the donations at Annual Conference have filled the need of one of those hospitals for a whole year.”
Photo by Glenn Riegel |
The quilt auction sponsored by the Association for the Arts in the Church of the Brethren. Auctioneering this year was Eddie Edmonds, with help from spotters Dan Poole and Fred Bernhard. Organizer is Tara Hornbacker, a member of the faculty at Bethany Seminary. |
$6,000 was raised for hunger relief in the quilt auction this afternoon, sponsored by the Association for the Arts in the Church of the Brethren (AACB). The seven pieces auctioned included two mini quilts and five quilted wall hangings. Eddie Edmonds served as auctioneer, with Fred Bernhard and Dan Poole as spotters.
$750-plus was donated to SERRV today after there was a robbery yesterday from the SERRV store in the exhibit hall. Several hundreds of dollars of jewelry merchandise were taken. Prior to worship this evening, Conference director Chris Douglas shared the gratitude of the SERRV staff for the care they have received from many Conference-goers who stopped by the store today.
50 or more table facilitators came to a hastily called meeting yesterday afternoon to give feedback to the Annual Conference officers. This year delegates are seated at round tables and spending time in face-to-face small group conversation about the business. “Helpful,” was how moderator Tim Harvey characterized the feedback he received from table facilitators.
$9,550.75 received in Tuesday’s offering
The 2012 Annual Conference news team includes: photographers Glenn Riegel, Regina Holmes, Debbie Surin, Alysson Wittmeyer; writers Don Fitzkee, Mandy Garcia, Karen Garrett, Randy Miller, Frank Ramirez, Frances Townsend; “Conference Journal” editor Eddie Edmonds; web staff Amy Heckert and Don Knieriem; and Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, editor and director of News Services for the Church of the Brethren.