“It’s not too late, save the date,” reminds the Church of the Brethren’s Deacon Ministry office.
Just a few days remain before registration ends for the first deacon training event of 2013, to be held on Saturday, Jan. 5, at Chambersburg (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Topics will include “So What are Deacon Supposed to Do, Anyway?” “The Art of Listening,” and “Beyond Casseroles: Offering Support Creatively.” The registration fee of $15 per person or $25 for a couple includes lunch. An additional fee of $10 is required from those ministers desiring .45 units of continuing education credit. Registration ends on Monday, Dec. 31. Register now at www.brethren.org/deacons/documents/deacon-training-chambersburg.pdf .
Mark your calendars now for the fourth annual pre-Annual Conference deacon workshops on Saturday, June 29, in Charlotte, N.C. The morning workshop, “Listen and Play: Ministry with Children in Times of Stress,” will be offered in conjunction with Children’s Disaster Services. The afternoon workshop will be on “Conflict Transformation,” presented with Ministry of Reconciliation (MoR) staff. Cost $15 per person or $25 for a couple, lunch is on your own. Go to www.brethren.org/deacons/documents/pre-conference-workshops-2013.pdf for registration materials.