Major presenters for the 2013 National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) have been confirmed, reports NOAC coordinator Kim Ebersole, director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries for the Church of the Brethren. The conference theme, “Healing Springs Forth” (Isaiah 58), will be explored throughout the week by keynote presenters, preachers, and the Bible study leader.
NOAC is the Church of the Brethren conference for adults age 50 and older, to be held at Lake Junaluska (N.C.) Conference and Retreat Center on Sept. 2-6, 2013. Participants will enjoy a week of inspiration, community, and renewal in a beautiful mountain setting.
Phyllis Tickle |
Richard J. Mouw |
John Paul Lederach |
Keynote presenters are Phyllis Tickle, popular speaker and author of over two dozen books on religion and spirituality, who will speak on Tuesday morning; Richard J. Mouw, theologian, philosopher, author, and president of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif., who will speak on Wednesday morning; and John Paul Lederach, professor of International Peacebuilding at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, widely known for pioneering work on conflict transformation, who will speak on Thursday morning.
Preachers are Dava Hensley, pastor of First Church of the Brethren, Roanoke, Va., preaching for the opening service on Monday evening; Edward L. Wheeler, president emeritus of Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, preaching Wednesday evening; and Kurt Borgmann, pastor of Manchester Church of the Brethren in North Manchester, Ind., preaching the closing sermon on Friday morning.
Leading the morning Bible studies will be Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, professor of preaching and worship at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind.
Evening performances also have been scheduled. On Tuesday, Ted Swartz of Ted & Company will perform “Laughter Is Sacred Space.” On Thursday, a concert of popular, classical, and sacred music will be given by pianists Josh Tindall and Elizabeth Davis Tindall of Elizabethtown, Pa.
Other highlights will include Interest Group workshops on a wide variety of topics, creative arts and crafts, recreation opportunities, a service project to collect and assemble school and hygiene kits for Church World Service, a fundraising walk around Lake Junaluska to support the denomination’s Youth Peace Travel Team, and the ever-popular NOAC News Team of David Sollenberger, Larry Glick, and Chris Stover.
Ice cream socials will be sponsored by the Fellowship of Brethren Homes, Bethany Theological Seminary, and the six colleges and universities affiliated with the Church of the Brethren.
The 2013 NOAC Planning Committee includes Ebersole, Bev and Eric Anspaugh, Deanna Brown, and Delora and Eugene Roop. Additional information about the 2013 NOAC will be posted at as it becomes available. Registration for the conference will begin next spring.
Notes on the NOAC theme:
We are people eager to know and do God’s ways…
To loose the chains, untie the ropes, set the oppressed free.
Yearning for a deeper relationship with God and with each other…
To share our bread, extend compassion, satisfy the needs of the afflicted.
Longing to respond to God’s call to Sabbath rest and restoration,
Remembering the One who frees us from bondage…
Ready for our worship to be reflected in our lives together.
Light breaks out, healing springs forth…
Refreshed in the Lord, we experience renewal of body, mind, and spirit.
A time of community, gathering in the company of sisters and brothers in Christ…
A time of deepening relationships with God and with each other…
A time of challenge as we worship, learn, pray, serve, and play together…
A time of response, ready to listen to God’s call…
A time of renewal, as we experience God’s reassurance of refreshment and restoration!
Healing springs forth: Come be refreshed in the Lord.