
New Phone System Is Installed at Church of the Brethren Offices

A new telephone system has been installed for the Church of the Brethren at the General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The new VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) system is expected to save the church thousands of dollars and is a significant upgrade of telephone service. Installation took place March 12.

Main telephone numbers for the Church of the Brethren offices remain the same: 847-742-5100800-323-8039 (toll free), 847-742-6103 (fax). Also unchanged is the Brethren Press customer service number at 800-441-3712.

Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) main numbers continue to be 847-695-0200 and 800-746-1505.

Employees have been assigned new extension numbers. New capabilities also offer staff the ability to view voice mail, identify callers via a computer connection, and forward calls to cell phones when away from the office.

There are new options for those calling in as well. On calling either 847-742-5100 or 800-323-8039, a caller may dial an extension number at any time, or press 1 to access a menu of departments. Callers also may dial an employee’s last name to be connected.

A listing of Church of the Brethren staff extensions is at www.brethren.org/about/staff.html .

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