New from Brethren Press are a host of resources for personal devotions, for Bible studies and small groups, and for maintaining connection with Church of the Brethren ministries and Annual Conference. Order any of the following by calling 800-441-3712 or going to . A shipping and handling charge will be added to the listed price.
‘A Dunker Guide to Brethren Beliefs’
A new volume in the Dunker Guide series, “A Dunker Guide to Brethren Beliefs,” is a collection of 20 essays, each focusing on a core Brethren belief. They are written by 20 members–some former clergy, some lay members–of Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. The brief essays help the reader engage the topic, whether it’s salvation or baptism or simplicity. The book also provides discussion questions to take the themes even further. Foreword is written by Jeffrey A. Bach of the Young Center at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College, preface by Guy E. Wampler, editor, and Charles Denlinger, assistant editor. Brethren Press hopes the book will be used for new member classes and small group studies. “It’s a great introduction on core Brethren values and beliefs,” according to James Deaton, Brethren Press managing editor for books and study resources. “As the preface states, not everyone will agree with everything in the book. But we do hope the book will spark your thinking and stir you to articulate, like these writers have done, what you do believe.” Previous books in the series are “A Dunker Guide to Brethren History” and “A Dunker Guide to the Bible.” $12.95, paperback.
Advent devotional
Brethren Press will celebrate 10 years of its devotional series when it publishes “The Advent Road” by Walt Wiltschek this fall. Pre-production prices are now available for this pocket sized booklet that includes daily scripture texts, meditations, and prayers for the Advent season. The booklet is suitable for personal devotions and for churches to provide to their members. Some special features this year are publication in three formats including e-book as well as the regular size and large print versions, and a fresh page design. Order by Oct. 1 to receive the pre-production price of $2 for regular size print or $5 for large print.
‘Holy War or Just Peace’
A new Covenant Bible Study titled “Holy War or Just Peace” is written by Robert W. Neff and Frank Ramirez. The period of the conquest of Canaan and the rise of the judges–narrated in the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth–contains some of the most disturbingly violent scenes in the Bible. Despite the presence of these acts of war and violence, some that even seem sanctioned by God, alternative voices within the texts call for attention. This study provides an avenue for hearing all the voices from this period and dealing with the question of violence from all sides. The Covenant Bible Studies series can be used by individuals, but is especially designed for small group settings. Each study includes 10 sessions that promote interaction and encourage open discussion about practical aspects of the Christian faith. $7.95, paperback.
A Guide for Biblical Studies
“A Living Faith” is the theme of this fall’s Bible study curriculum for adults, written by Richard Gardner. The lessons employ texts from Hebrews and Acts to move toward a biblical definition of faith. The first unit studies the closing chapters of Hebrews, on responsive obedience to God’s love revealed in Jesus. The second unit focuses on personal stories from the book of Acts that highlight what it means to understand faith. The final unit concludes with the study of Paul’s faith and ministry, and its costliness. $4.25 or $7.35 for large print.
The Living Word Bulletin Series for 2013
The Church of the Brethren’s very own bulletin series features texts and images chosen by Brethren, for Brethren. The series includes bulletins for 52 Sunday services plus love feast and Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, and is shipped quarterly. The series has been enhancing the worship of Brethren congregations for over 50 years with prices that save churches both time and money. “Give your church that visual edge by calling Brethren Press and starting your subscription today,” says Jeff Lennard of Brethren Press. Bulletin size: 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.25 for 50, or $2.65 for 25.
Annual Conference Wrap-up and Sermons
A video wrap-up of the 2012 Conference and the five sermons preached for the Conference worship services are each offered in DVD format by Brethren Press. The Wrap-up provides an overview of the Church of the Brethren Conference held July 7-11 in St. Louis, including popular bonus material such as the “live report” of denominational ministries and video clips of the individuals and congregations who were showcased as “continuing the work of Jesus.” The DVD of sermons contains the messages given by preachers Walter Brueggemann, Tim Harvey, Becky Ball-Miller, Jennifer Leath, and Daniel D’Oleo. David Sollenberger produced both videos. $29.95 for the Wrap-up, $24.95 for the Sermons.
2012 Church of the Brethren Yearbook
The annual denominational yearbook on CD is an essential resource for Church of the Brethren information. The disk format is searchable, easy to navigate, and contains contact information for congregations, districts, pastors, ministers, moderators, Church of the Brethren agencies, and denominational staff. The 2012 yearbook includes the 2011 statistical report. Order one per user. $21.50.