The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership has updated its list of courses for 2012 and extending into 2013. Courses are open to Training in Ministry (TRIM) or Education for Shared Ministry (EFSM) students, pastors, and other interested persons. Ordained and licensed ministers earn continuing education credit for most courses. Courses noted as “SVMC” are offered through the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College, register by contacting or 717-361-1450. Registration brochures are available at or by calling 800-287-8822 ext. 1824.
— “Planting, Partnering, Producing, and Persevering” at Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, Ind., with instructor David Shumate, Virlina District executive minister, on May 16-20 in conjunction with the denomination’s Church Planting Conference (registration deadline was April 13).
— “Defining Set-Apart Ministry within the Bi-vocational Reality” is an online course with instructor Sandra Jenkins, on June 6-Aug. 14 (with one week off for Annual Conference). Registration deadline is May 4.
— Directed Independent Study Unit featuring Walter Brueggemann, contemporary biblical scholar and theologian. Brueggemann will be the guest speaker at the Ministers’ Association Conference, a 24-hour event July 6-7 prior to the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in St Louis, Mo. This study will be planned and led by Marilyn Lerch and will include pre-Conference reading, a one-hour session before and after the Ministers’ Conference, attendance at both the Ministers’ Association Event and the Saturday evening worship service where Brueggemann will preach. A follow-up project will be expected. Contact Lerch directly for more information at . There will be no tuition fee for this course.
— “Church of the Brethren Polity and Practice” at the Young Center at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College with instructors Warren Eshbach and Randy Yoder, on July 20-21 and Aug. 3-4 (SVMC).
— “What Brethren Believe,” an online course taught by Denise Kettering-Lane of the Bethany Seminary faculty, Sept. 4-Nov. 5 with a break Oct. 1-7.
— “Religions of the World” at McPherson (Kan.) College with instructor Kent Eaton, planned for the Fall.
— “Brethren Studies Course” is an online offering also planned for the Fall.
Projecting into Spring 2013, other upcoming courses include a January Intensive at Bethany Seminary in Richmond, Ind.; “Introduction to New Testament” online; “Evangelism” taught online by Tara Hornbacker of the Bethany Seminary faculty; and a study trip to the Iona Community in Scotland to be led by Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, Bethany Seminary professor of Preaching and Worship. Other 2013 courses may be offered at McPherson College, and in Florida.
The Brethren Academy notes that while students may be accepted into courses after the registration deadline, the deadline date determines whether there are enough students to offer the class. Many courses have required pre-course readings, so students need to be sure to allow enough time to complete those assignments.