
Today at Annual Conference

Quotes of the day

   Overheard from a young Conference-goer walking into the worship hall for the first time



Photo by Glenn Riegel
Moderator Robert E. Alley preaches for the Saturday evening service at Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich.

“We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.” – Words of the closing song at the Standing Committee meeting of district delegates, this morning

“As we begin this Annual Conference, some of us may be asking if this is the best of times or the worst of times. But… the issue is whether we will discover the gift of Jesus Christ and extend the table.” – Moderator Alley preaching for worship

“Jesus’ table is a table of grace, filled with the giftedness of the holy for human life.” – Moderator Robert E. Alley preaching for the evening worship service on the story of the feeding of the 5,000

“It’s about more than money. It’s the gifts of our hands, it’s our service.” – Moderator Alley telling Standing Committee about the evening’s offerings of School Kits, district comforters, and communion bread shared from many different parts of the church 

Numbers and statistics 

— 185 people at the new delegate orientation this afternoon

— $9,304.16 received in the evening offering

— 2,794 people registered for the 2011 Annual Conference, as of 10 a.m., including 862 delegates

Brethren on the street, interviews and photos by Frank Ramirez
The question of the day: When was the last time you were in Michigan, and what were you doing?

“I was in Michigan last March with friends. We were walking along the beach at Southhaven.” – Joel Kline, Elgin, Ill.


“I’ve never been to Michigan. This was one of six states I’ve never visited!” – Nathan Rittenhouse, Keezletown Va.


“I have never been to Michigan. Really! I can add it to my list!” – Sonja Griffith, Kansas City, Mo.


“The last time I was in Michigan was in 1998. I had been loaned out by a directory assistance company, and I was sent to Detroit.” – Rosalita Leonard, McAllisterville, Pa.


“I’ve never been to Michigan because there wasn’t a Brethren event here yet.” – Dylan Haro, San Diego, Calif.


“The last time I was in Michigan was Thanksgiving. I went out to visit family.” – Lynette Guyer, Woodbury, Pa.


“I was here two or three years ago to visit family. But I was here back around 1945 for an Annual Conference. I was a pre-teen then!” – Donna Klahre, Martinsburg, Pa.




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