
For the Peace of the City: International Day of Prayer for Peace 2011

On Earth Peace is kicking off its fifth annual campaign organizing community groups and church congregations to participate in the International Day of Prayer for Peace (IDPP) on Sept. 21. The scripture theme for the 2011 campaign is “Seek the peace of the city–for in its peace, you will find peace” (Jeremiah 29). The IDPP is an initiative of the World Council of Churches, related to the United Nations observance of an international day of peace.

In 2011, On Earth Peace is seeking 200 faith and community groups around the world to plan public events on or near Sept. 21. While anyone is invited to sign up, On Earth Peace is especially seeking youth and young adults to organize gatherings, events, services, or vigils as part of IDPP.

Registration means committing to organize a public prayer event focused on violence during the week of Sept. 21. An introductory video, organizing resources, and online registration for the International Day of Prayer for Peace are available at www.onearthpeace.org/idpp .

“While nations around the world stagger under economic devastation, endless war, and corrupt politics, and while rural and urban communities alike fail to thrive, the International Day of Prayer for Peace can be a doorway into eliminating violence and bringing reconciliation in your community and our world,” said On Earth Peace program director Matt Guynn. “On Earth Peace partner groups from previous IDPP events have gone on to develop community leadership initiatives around issues of race, poverty, militarism, corruption, and religious violence.”

For more about the IDPP contact Samuel Sarpiya, 815-314-0438 or idpp@onearthpeace.org .

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