Newsline Extra: Annual Conference registration and other upcoming events
Jan. 28, 2010
1) Annual Conference online registration opens Feb. 22.
2) Intercultural Consultation and Celebration offers online registration.
3) Bethany Seminary’s third Presidential Forum takes place in April.
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1) Annual Conference online registration opens Feb. 22.
Online registration for the 2010 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren opens Feb. 22 at . The site will offer early registration for non-delegate participants and hotel reservations for the Conference in Pittsburgh, Pa., on July 3-7. Conference rates will be offered at six hotels in downtown Pittsburgh.
The early registration fees are $95 for adults, $30 for ages 12-20, free for children under 12, and $25 for those currently in Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS). Weekend and daily rates will be available. Through the online registration process, participants also will be able to purchase conference booklets and meal tickets, register for age-group activities, and volunteer to help out at the Conference.
Early registration will close June 7. After that date, registration will be offered only on site in Pittsburgh. On-site fees will increase to $120 for adults, $50 for ages 12-20, and $30 for BVS volunteers. Children under 12 will continue to be offered free registration.
The Information Packet for the 2010 Annual Conference is to be mailed to all congregations as a CD during the last week of January. The Information Packet also will be available to view, download, or print from the Annual Conference website: . A printed copy of the packet can be requested from the Annual Conference Office for a fee of $20.
The Annual Conference Office has issued a reminder to congregations and districts that early registration for their 2010 delegates ends on Feb. 19. Completed delegate registration cards and payments should be received by that date. Early registration for delegates costs $275, with the fee going up to $300 after Feb. 19.
Questions can be directed to the Annual Conference Office at 800-323-8039 ext. 229 or .
2) Intercultural Consultation and Celebration offers online registration.
Online registration has opened for the Church of the Brethren’s annual Intercultural Consultation and Celebration, to be held on April 22-25 at Camp Harmony in Hooversville, Pa. Registration is available in both English and Spanish at . The deadline to register is March 6.
This will be the 12th Intercultural Consultation and Celebration for the denomination, meeting this year on the theme, “Celebrating Diversity in Harmony” (Romans 12:15-17). The event will feature worship services with preaching by pastors Samuel Sarpiya and Ray Hileman; plenary sessions facilitated by Barbara Daté; an intercultural ministries coaching and mentoring session; times for music and story-telling; and a selection of mission activities such as a prison visit and work at the camp. Also, a “Revelation 7:9 Diversity Award” will be presented.
The registration of $100 per person includes lodging at Camp Harmony, meals, and transportation to and from Pittsburgh (Pa.) International Airport. All meals are furnished by Camp Harmony. A special German dinner will be served on Friday evening. Vegetarian meals are available on request. A free shuttle to and from the Pittsburg International Airport will be available (see the website for shuttle times).
Churches and individuals are expected to make their own travel arrangements and cover their own expenses. However, limited travel assistance is available for a maximum of two people from a congregation with limited resources. For more information, contact Two continuing education credits will be offered to participants attending the event. A CEU certificate will be distributed upon the conclusion of the celebration.
3) Bethany Seminary’s third Presidential Forum takes place in April.
Bethany Theological Seminary’s third Presidential Forum will take place on April 9-10. Titled “When Strangers Are Angels: The Spiritual and Social Movements of Brethren, Friends, and Mennonites in a New Century),” this forum will bring persons from all three Historic Peace Church traditions together to explore this historical inheritance for the 21st century church and the world.
The event will explore a number of questions, including, “What have been and are each movement’s understandings of the relationship between Christ and culture?” and “How do our understandings of scripture and our spiritual practices address social concerns of today and extend hospitality in a blessed and broken world?”
Martin Marty, distinguished service professor emeritus at the University of Chicago and columnist for the “Christian Century,” will be the keynote speaker. Other leadership will include representatives from each of the Historic Peace Churches. The forum also will feature a play titled “Man from Magdalena,” written by Earlham School of Religion student Patty Willis and including musical compositions by Mary Lou Prince, music director and composer in residence at the Unitarian Universalist congregation of Green Valley, Ariz.
Scott Holland, Bethany Seminary professor of theology and culture and director of Peace Studies and Cross-Cultural Studies, will give a presentation titled “Intertextual Interpretation: When Jesus Is a Stranger.” In addition, the forum will include worship and small group discussions.
Bethany alumni/ae and friends are invited to a Pre-Forum Gathering beginning with dinner on April 8, to explore the forum theme especially as it relates to the Church of the Brethren. Five Bethany faculty members will lead plenary sessions: academic dean Steven Schweitzer will focus on the Old Testament; professor of New Testament studies Dan Ulrich will compare the Matthew 25 and 28 passages; associate professor of preaching and worship Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm will lead a session on “Preaching Our Legacy from the Pulpit”; Tara Hornbacker, associate professor of ministry formation Tara Hornbacker and Russell Haitch, associate professor of Christian education Russell Haitch will lead a session exploring the topic, “How Is the Church Today Living out Church of the Brethren values?”
Continuing education units will be available: .5 for either the pre-forum gathering or the forum, or 1 unit for attending both events. Registration for the forum costs $75, or $25 for students; registration for the pre-forum gathering is $25. Meals are available for an additional charge. Questions may be directed to or 765-983-1823. Register for the forum at .