![]() Sunday school classes at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill. (above), Elizabethtown (Pa.) College students, seniors at a Brethren Retirement Community in Greenville, Ohio, musicians at the University of La Verne, and churches of Virlina District are among the many across the country who are contributing to the Church of the Brethren relief effort in Haiti. For just a small sampling of Brethren making a difference, go to www.brethren.org/site/ News2?page=NewsArticle&id=10177 . Photo by Joel Brumbaugh-Cayford |
Church of the Brethren Newsline
Jan. 28, 2010
The Church of the Brethren’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) has received donations totaling $102,154.54 for the church’s relief work following the Haiti earthquake. The number represents the total of both online and by-mail donations received as of yesterday morning.
Of the total, the online donations to Haiti earthquake relief have come to $66,167.07. So far, the church’s finance staff have processed $29,527.42 of mailed-in donations, with more awaiting processing.
EDF grants already given toward relief efforts following the Haiti earthquake total $55,000: a grant of $25,000 to support the Brethren response in Haiti, $25,000 for the work of Church World Service in Haiti, and $5,000 to Haitian First Church of New York–a Church of the Brethren congregation–and the New York Disaster Interfaith Services to establish a family assistance center for Haitians relocating to the US following the earthquake.