223rd Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren
San Diego, California — June 28, 2009
10:00-10:15 a.m. Gathering Music
10:15-10:20 a.m. Announcements
10:20 a.m. Prelude “How Firm a Foundation” (setting by James H. Johnson)
Call to Worship adapted from Psalm 33
*Choral Declaration “Your Love, O God, Has Called Us Here”
*Invocation Prayer (unison)
God of love who casts out all fear, we seek you in this hour of worship.
Embrace us.
Strengthen us.
Surprise us.
Renew us.
Unite us.
Love us with the love that will not let us go.
In the name of him who is love, Jesus the Christ, we unite as we pray and as we sing.
*Hymn “Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing”
Reading of 1 John 4:13-21
(National Youth Conference coordinators Emily LaPrade, Matt Witkovsky, Audrey Hollenberg)
Time with the Children
*Hymn “O Little Children Gather Near”
(as children come forward)
Confessional Litany
All: God, you loved us so much that you sent your Son Jesus to live among us, to make a way for us into your eternal presence, to remove any barriers between us and you. The promise is great, and we want to live in the fullness of that love. Yet too often the limits of our own confidence are not enough. Forgive us in our fear.
One: When we want to relinquish ourselves to you but are afraid to give up our control,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: When all we can see in our future is brokenness and despair,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: When we neglect to look at the stranger as one with the Christ within,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: When we fail to approach you because our estrangement seems so complete,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: When our resignation to terror replaces our ability to love courageously,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: When we mistake difference for threat,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: When we hear your voice saying “Fear not,” but perpetuate distrust,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: For those un-named places in each of our lives that create distance from you,
All: Forgive our fear; remove it from us.
One: We wait humbly, patiently, expectantly for your assurance in the face of our fear.
Musical Response “Don’t Be Afraid, My Love Is Stronger”
Scripture Reading Luke 7:1-10
Choral Anthem “One Bread, One Body” (John B. Foley, choral setting by Jack Schrader)
Sermon “Looking Beyond Fear – Finding Intimacy with Others and God”
*Hymn of Response “Will You Let Me Be Your Servant”
Act of Response
Offertory “Arioso from Concerto for Organ and Piano” (Flor Peeters)
*Closing Hymn “Where Charity and Love Prevail/Ubi Caritas et Amor, Deus Ibi Est”
(Verse 1 choir ; Verses 2-5 congregation)
*Postlude “If You but Trust in God” (J.S. Bach)
Worship Leader – Jonathan Shively
Preacher – Eric Law
Worship Coordinator – Scott Duffey
Music Coordinator – Erin Matteson
Choir Director – Stephen Reddy
Organ – Anna Grady
Piano – Dan Masterson
Vocals – Cathy Iacuelli, Dawn Hunn, Andy Lahman
Acoustic guitar/electric guitar – Dawn Hunn
Acoustic guitar – John Layman
Guitar/bass – Mo Iacuelli
Cello – Emily Matteson
Saxophone – Thomas Dowdy
Percussion – Yvonne Riege
Drums – Dylan Haro
The News Team for the 2009 Annual Conference includes writers Karen Garrett, Frank Ramirez, Frances Townsend, Melissa Troyer, Rich Troyer; photographers Kay Guyer, Justin Hollenberg, Keith Hollenberg, Glenn Riegel, Ken Wenger; staff Becky Ullom and Amy Heckert. Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, editor. Contact cobnews@brethren.org.