
Congregational Life, Seminary, and Districts Cooperate on Webcasts

Church of the Brethren Newsline
Updated Oct. 14, 2009

Diana Butler Bass (top), scholar of American religion and culture and author of “Christianity for the Rest of Us,” and Charles “Chip” Arn, president of the Church Growth Institute,  are  presenters for webcasts from Pacific Southwest District Conference on Nov. 6-8. The webcasts are a joint venture of the Transforming Practices office of the Church of the Brethren,  Bethany Seminary, and the district (see schedule at left).

Webcasts of presentations at upcoming district meetings are being planned with the help of the Transforming Practices office of the Church of the Brethren’s Congregational Life Ministries and Bethany Seminary’s Electronic Communications.

“Don’t miss these webcast events!” said an announcement from Stan Dueck, director for Transforming Practices.

The webcasts are offered from the “Gathering V” in Western Plains District on Oct. 23-25, and the Pacific Southwest District Conference on Nov. 6-8, as well as another upcoming presentation on Nov. 17 or 19. This is a collaborative effort between Congregational Life Ministries, Bethany, and the districts.

Continuing education units (CEUs) are available through a cooperative effort with the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership. No preliminary signup is required. Only live participation–not recordings–qualify for CEU credit. Full participation and interaction is required throughout the entire event. To obtain credit, participants must submit an online CEU request following a webcast to the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership via a webform at http://www.bethanyseminary.edu/webcast/request-ceu . Fees are waived for these next several webcast events in October and November. The amount of credit is based on presentation time. After verification, CEU certificates will be e-mailed to participants as pdf files.

Retroactively, the Life Coaching Training sessions ending Oct. 13 will offer 1.2 CEUs. For the Gathering V webcasts, credit will be offered for all workshops and plenary sessions (not including worship sessions). For the Pacific Southwest District Conference, credit will be given for viewing all workshops and presentations  (not including Sunday morning worship). Credit also will be available for an upcoming live one-hour webcast with Chip Arn on either Nov 17 or 19 (to be announced).

A detailed schedule and how to participate is available at http://bethanyseminary.edu/webcasts  .

Plenary sessions and other events at the “Gathering V” on Oct. 23-25 in Western Plains District. Plenary sessions will be led by Annual Conference moderator Shawn Flory Replogle and Congregational Life Ministries executive director Jonathan Shively. Also webcast will be worship services, and several workshops at various times on that weekend. For the detailed schedule go to www.bethanyseminary.edu/webcast/WPGathering2009  .

Presentations by Diana Butler Bass and Charles “Chip” Arn on Nov. 6-8 will highlight webcasts from the Pacific Southwest District Conference. Bass is an independent scholar specializing in American religion and culture and author of several books including “Christianity for the Rest of Us” and “The Practicing Congregation.” Her two presentations will be offered on Nov. 6 at 2:15-4 p.m. and on Nov. 7 at 1-3 p.m. (Pacific time). Arn is president of the Church Growth Institute. He will provide two sessions on the topic “Side Doors: Effective Church Outreach in the 21st Century” on Nov. 7 at 10:30-11:30 a.m. and 2:15-3 p.m. (Pacific time). Also to be webcast are workshops on a variety of topics as well as Sunday morning worship.

For more information go to http://bethanyseminary.edu/webcasts  or contact Stan Dueck at sdueck@brethren.org .

The Church of the Brethren Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. Contact cobnews@brethren.org to receive Newsline by e-mail or to submit news to the editor. For more Church of the Brethren news and features, subscribe to “Messenger” magazine; call 800-323-8039 ext. 247.

Brethren in the News

“CROP of walkers raise money for hunger relief,” Zanesville (Ohio) Times Recorder (Oct. 12, 2009). Church of the Brethren member Pidge Bradley, 87 years old, was one of 224 people hoping to stop hunger during the annual CROP Hunger Walk at Zane’s Landing Park. “One time when I was a kid, I knew what it was to be hungry. That was in the Depression. There’s a lot of little kids hungry and it’s a shame for kids to be hungry,” he told the newspaper. http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/article/20091012/

“Mission of mercy ‘needed more than ever’ for those seeking medical help,” Frederick (Md.) News Post (Oct. 11, 2009). Every other week, Frederick (Md.) Church of the Brethren hosts the Mission of Mercy’s mobile health clinic. The service is needed now more than ever, the newspaper reports. http://www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/

“Peace education workshop Oct. 16,” Sioux City (Iowa) Journal (Oct. 10, 2009). A free, family-oriented peace education workshop sponsored by Living Peace Church of the Brethren takes place Oct. 16-17 at Whitfield United Methodist Church in Sioux City. It will explore ways of making peace between people at school, at work and in our communities. “Tools for the Road” begins the evening of Oct. 16 and continues through Saturday, the 17th. The presenters from On Earth Peace welcome the whole family. http://www.siouxcityjournal.com/news/local/

Obituary: David J. Wisehart, Palladium-Item, Richmond, Ind. (Oct. 10, 2009). David J. Wisehart, 89, a longtime resident of Hagerstown, Ind., and a member of Nettle Creek Church of the Brethren, died on Oct. 8 in San Antonio, Texas. He was a former sales manager with Minneapolis Moline and accounts manager for Perfect Circle/Dana Corp. He is survived by his wife, Sarah (Wooten) Wisehart. http://www.pal-item.com/article/20091010/NEWS04/910100314

“Tipp City church to break ground,” Dayton (Ohio) Daily News (Oct. 9, 2009). West Charleston Church of the Brethren will break ground at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 18 for their new facility at the corner of Ohio 202 and 571 in Tipp City, Ohio. http://www.daytondailynews.com/lifestyle/ohio-churches-religion-faith/

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