“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008”
“For with the Lord there is steadfast love…” (Psalm 130:7b).
1) Joint ‘Resolution Urging Forbearance’ is approved by three agencies.
1b) Una resolucion conjunta urgiendo tolerancia fue aprobada por tres agencias.
2) Church mission executives gather in Thailand for annual meeting.
3) Emergency Disaster Fund issues $53,700 in grants.
4) Brethren bits: Prayer request, remembrance, personnel, jobs, more.
5) Brethren Benefit Trust opens search for president.
6) Gather ’Round offers youth and junior high supplement for summer.
7) Brethren Press carries two Vacation Bible School resources.
A new webcast from Bethany Theological Seminary, posted at http://www.cobwebcast.bethanyseminary.edu/, features Annual Conference moderator James M. Beckwith and executive director Lerry Fogle on the exciting events planned for this year’s Conference. The 2008 Annual Conference on July 12-16 in Richmond, Va., will mark the 300th anniversary of the Brethren movement as a joint conference with the Brethren Church. The two denominations are meeting together for the first time since the 1880s. The webcast reviews special events including joint worship services, a historical celebration, a drama about Ted Studebaker–killed while serving peacefully as a church volunteer during the Vietnam War, concerts by Ken Medema and the National Christian Choir, plus a preview of business.
For Newsline subscription information go to http://listserver.emountain.net/mailman/listinfo/newsline. For more Church of the Brethren news go to http://www.brethren.org/, click on “News” to find a news feature, links to Brethren in the news, photo albums, conference reporting, webcasts, and Newsline archive.
The editor apologizes that this issue of Newsline arrives late.
1) Joint ‘Resolution Urging Forbearance’ is approved by three agencies.
“A Resolution Urging Forbearance” has been approved by the boards of the Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC)–which initiated the resolution–and the General Board and On Earth Peace. ABC asked for support for the resolution from the General Board and On Earth Peace at meetings last fall.
The ABC board shared the paper as “a great concern” and hoped to “take a strong statement to the body of Annual Conference,” according to comments by the agency’s executive director Kathy Reid at the October meeting of the General Board. She described the resolution as pointing to the importance of forebearance in the church, and calling for recognition of the time it takes for the church to work through difficult issues.
After the resolution met with a mixed reaction from the General Board, the group voted to receive the document for the purpose of collaboration among the three agencies. A joint committee including members from the boards of the three agencies was then formed to continue work on refinement of the wording. Russell Betz and Tim Harvey from the General Board met on a conference call with Eddie Edmonds and John Katonah of the ABC board and Bev Weaver of the On Earth Peace board.
The General Board approved a recommendation from its executive committee to adopt the revised resolution on Jan. 31, acting by an e-mail vote. The On Earth Peace board adopted the resolution by action of the executive committee, working by conference call and e-mail in January. The document will come to the 2008 Annual Conference.
The text of the short resolution begins, “We find ourselves in a world where people are driven apart by deep differences. These divisions seep into the church, pitting us against one another in action and language. Yet God has entrusted us with a ministry of reconciliation.”
Citing 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 and Matthew 5:17, and giving a brief review of scriptural references to forbearance–Ephesians 4:2 and 6:9, Colossians 3:13, and 2 Corinthians 12:6the paper also quotes from Annual Conference statements and offers an overview of Brethren tradition and history with regard to the practice of forbearance in the church.
“In the ministry of reconciliation we are called to love and care for each other before we are called to correct one another. Before we are conservative, liberal, evangelical, progressive, or any one of the many labels we put on one another, we are children of God and brothers and sisters in the church,” the document continues.
In closing it offers five specific resolutions:
- “That we commit ourselves to forbearance which recognizes and respects differences of opinion and differing degrees of spiritual insight. We will show deference in disputable matters (Romans 14:1) while practicing prayerful study and conversation in core beliefs”;
- “That we agree to see our differences, not as discord, but as the blessing which can come when we openly discuss our disagreements, address our conflicts, and share our faith perspectives”;
- “That, with our forbearers, we continue to treasure both faithfulness to truth and openness to new light”;
- “In all circumstances, we will embrace our commitment to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ as equally important to our other theological beliefs (1 Corinthians 13:1-8; Ephesians 4:32)”; and
- “That we pledge ourselves on matters where we are not of one mind to let the Holy Spirit draw us together to be of one heart” (for the full text of the resolution go to www.brethren.org/genbd/GBResolutions/index.html).
1b) Una resolucion conjunta urgiendo tolerancia fue aprobada por tres agencias.
“Una Resolución Urgiendo Tolerancia” fue aprobada por la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Cuidado de los Hermanos (ABC) quien la inició, la Junta Directiva de la Iglesia, y la Junta Directiva de Paz en la Tierra. Durante las reuniones del otoño pasado, ABC solicitó el apoyo de las dos Juntas Directivas para aprobar esta resolución.
La Junta Directiva de ABC compartió el documento como algo de “gran preocupación” y que espera “llevar una declaración fuerte a la Conferencia Anual” de acuerdo a comentarios de Kathy Reid, directora ejecutiva de ABC durante las reuniones de Octubre. Ella describe esta resolución como algo directamente relacionado a lo importante que es la tolerancia en la iglesia y está pidiendo se reconozca el tiempo que le toma a la iglesia procesar asuntos difíciles.
Después que la resolución fue presentada a la Junta Directiva de la Iglesias, y recibida con reacciones mixtas, se votó y aceptó recibirla con el propósito de colaborar con las tres agencias. Después se formó un comité que incluye miembros de las Juntas directivas de las tres agencias, quienes continuarán refinando el documento. Russell Betz y Tim Harvey de la Junta Directiva de la Iglesia tuvieron una conferencia telefónica con Eddie Edmonds y John Katonah de la Junta Directiva de ABC, y con Bev Weaver de la Junta Directiva de Paz en la Tierra.
La Junta Directiva de la Iglesia aprobó la recomendación del comité ejecutivo para que el 31 de enero se adoptara la resolución revisada, cuya votación se llevaría a cabo vía email. El Junta Directiva de Paz en la Tierra adoptó la resolución en enero a través de una conferencia telefónica y email. El documento será presentado a la Conferencia Anual del 2008.
El texto de esta corta resolución comienza diciendo, “Nos encontramos en un mundo donde la gente está dividida por diferencias profundas. Estas divisiones se han filtrado a la iglesia y nos han puesto unos contra otros tanto en acción como en lenguaje. Sin embargo, Dios nos ha encomendado el ministerio de reconciliación.”
El documento también cita la Carta a los Corintios 5:17-19 y Mateo 5:17, y revisa brevemente las escrituras que hablan de tolerancia– Carta a los Efesios 4:2 y 6:9, Carta a los Colosenses 3:13, y 2 de Corintios 12:6. El documento también hace referencia a las declaraciones de la Conferencia Anual, y ofrece una vista general de la tradición e historia de los Hermanos referentes a la práctica de tolerancia en la iglesia.
“En el ministerio de reconciliación, somos llamados a amarnos y cuidarnos los unos a los otros, antes de corregirnos los unos a los otros. Antes de ser conservadores, liberales, evangélicos, progresistas o cualquier etiqueta que nos pongamos, somos hijos de Dios y hermanos y hermanas en la iglesia” continua el documento.
Al final ofrece cinco resoluciones especificas:
“Que nosotros mismos nos comprometamos a ser tolerantes, lo cual reconoce y respeta las diferencias de opinión y los diferentes grados de espiritualidad. Mostraremos deferencia en asuntos discutibles (Carta a los Romanos 14:1) y cuando practiquemos nuestras creencias esenciales lo haremos en un espíritu de oración, estudio y conversación”;
“Estamos de acuerdo en ver nuestras diferencias no como discordia, sino como la bendición que viene al discutir abiertamente nuestros desacuerdos, al hablar de nuestros conflictos y al compartir nuestras perspectivas de fe.”
“Que, con nuestros antepasados, continuamos amando la fidelidad a la verdad y estamos dispuestos a aceptar diferentes maneras de ver las cosas.”
“En todas las circunstancias, abrazaremos nuestro compromiso hacia unos y otros como hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, con la misma importancia que abrazamos nuestras creencias teológicas (1 Carta a los Corintios 13:1-8, y Carta a los Efesios 4:32)” y
”Que en los asuntos que no estemos de acuerdo, nos comprometemos a permitir que el Espíritu Santo nos ayude a ponernos de acuerdo.” (Para ver la resolución completa vaya a www.brethren.org/genbd/GBResolutions/index.html).
2) Church mission executives gather in Thailand for annual meeting.
The leadership of church mission agencies gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, on Jan. 6-12 for an annual meeting. This is the first time that the group has met outside the United States. The location in Thailand was chosen to engage the humanitarian situation in the region, and to hear from the church leadership of Myanmar (Burma). The ecumenical gathering was hosted by Church World Service (CWS) executive director John McCullough.
Mervin Keeney, executive director of Global Mission Partnerships for the Church of the Brethren General Board, joined McCullough and mission heads from five other denominations. “As a forum for mission leaders to reflect together about the struggles and joys of implementing global cross-cultural mission programs, the gathering fosters ecumenical collaboration and problem-solving, and serves as a professional peer group,” Keeney said.
The general secretary of the Myanmar Council of Churches, Saw Mar Gay Gyi, and the general secretary of Kayin (Karen) Baptist Convention, Greeta Din, joined the mission executives in Bangkok and reflected about the life of the churches in Myanmar. A planned visit to Myanmar as a part of the meeting was not possible. The group also met with CWS staff in the region and with leaders of the Christian Council of Asia. The conversations provided regional grounding and perspective, Keeney said.
In addition to the regional focus and the usual exchange of mission ideas and strategies, agenda items this year included the missiological reflection process being undertaken by the CWS board, possible wider missiological reflection leading to a 2010 conference at Edinburgh, Scotland, and a proposed western hemisphere, North-South dialogue. After hearing about the meaningful gathering of the Historic Peace Churches at Solo, Indonesia, last month, the group also proposed the idea of an ecumenical peace conference at the close of the Decade to Overcome Violence.
CWS staff provided updates about the humanitarian response to more than 150,000 people displaced by the violence in Myanmar and now living in 10 camps, which provide shelter at the Thai border. The group traveled to see the Tham Hin Camp.
The Karen people make up about two-thirds of the overall displaced population. Although some have been displaced and living in camps for decades, it was reported that because of tight family and community bonds, few want to be resettled to other countries. The resettlement feels like permanently closing the door to return to their home areas in Myanmar. In contrast to many ethnic groups in southeast Asia, the Karen people are nearly 90 percent Christian, due to the successful efforts of early American Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson Sr. who began work among them in 1827.
At the community center in the Tham Hin Camp, Keeney observed that there were boxes of health kits and school kits bearing the “New Windsor, Maryland,” label, reflecting the reach of the Brethren Service Center into this isolated area of need, and the effectiveness of the Church of the Brethren’s ecumenical partnerships in sending material aid.
3) Emergency Disaster Fund issues $53,700 in grants.
Five grants issued by the Emergency Disaster Fund send assistance to Kenya following rioting and violence, along with grants to Bangladesh, the south-central US following storms, and continuing support for Brethren Disaster Ministries rebuilding projects. The Emergency Disaster Fund is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board.
An additional grant of $19,700 aids Kenyans following post-election violence, responding to an expanded Church World Service (CWS) appeal for displaced people. The funds continue support for the Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church, which is providing emergency food to 15,000 displaced people, as well as additional services, household items, blankets, and psycho-social counseling.
A grant of $15,000 continues support for a Brethren Disaster Ministries project in Minnesota following flooding. The project in Rushford, Minn., is repairing and rebuilding homes of flood survivors. The grant pays for volunteer travel, food, and housing expenses, as well as tools and equipment. Previous allocations to this project total $5,000.
A grant of $10,000 to CWS follows a devastating cyclone that struck Bangladesh. The funds will help assist 25,000 people with emergency food, clothing, temporary shelter, and the creation of job opportunities.
A grant of $7,000 responds to the numerous tornados and violent storms that swept through six states in the south-central US in early February. At least 55 people were killed, claiming more lives than any single disaster in the US since Hurricane Katrina. The funds will help CWS make material shipments, deploy staff, and give financial support for longterm recovery groups.
A grant of $2,000 responds to a CWS appeal following a previous massive storm system that brought heavy rain, flooding, and tornado activity to parts of Indiana, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Missouri, and Mississippi. The money will help pay for blankets, hygiene kits, and cleanup buckets, and will support longterm recovery groups.
4) Brethren bits: Prayer request, remembrance, personnel, jobs, and more.
- The Church of the Brethren General Board is requesting prayer for the Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb, Ill., following shootings on campus yesterday, Feb. 14. A former graduate student at NIU opened fire in a class at Cole Hall on the DeKalb campus, and then shot himself. News reports today said that at least five students have died, and up to 18 others were wounded with three in critical condition. The students who were killed are from communities across northern Illinois and the Chicago area. There are Church of the Brethren students attending NIU, but no word has been received that any were hurt in the shooting. The campus is about 30 miles southwest of the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The prayer request lifted up students and their families, university faculty and staff, and first responders affected by the shootings. “As a church, we are deeply grieved at this senseless loss of life,” the e-mail note said. “Please join us in prayer.”
- Donald J. Dunn, dean of the University of La Verne (ULV) College of Law, died Jan. 5 at home of complications related to cancer. ULV is a Brethren related university in La Verne, Calif. “As dean, he provided keen leadership that helped carry our College of Law over the initial threshold of American Bar Association accreditation,” said ULV president Stephen Morgan in a remembrance on the school’s website. In 2003, Dunn joined ULV as dean and professor of law at the College of Law. While at ULV, he guided the law school through the process of applying for national accreditation, with the American Bar Association granting provisional ABA approval in 2006. Dunn was a nationally-recognized law librarian whose 38-year career began at the University of Texas and continued at Western New England College School of Law in Springfield, Mass. In 1977 began as a site evaluator for law schools seeking national accreditation, over time serving on more than 40 site evaluation teams. Dunn also co-authored “Fundamentals of Legal Research”–the eighth edition published in 2002 is used in first-year and advanced research courses in law schools and paralegal programs. ULV College of Law has set up a Dean Donald J. Dunn Memorial Scholarship Fund in his honor. Dunn is survived by his wife, Cheryl, son, Kevin, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.
- On March 1, Cynthia Benthusen will begin in the position of general office services representative with the Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT). In this new position, Benthusen will be the staff member who welcomes guests to BBT, and also will route telephone calls, carry some work for the Pension and Brethren Foundation departments and the Church of the Brethren Credit Union, as well as hold other responsibilities. Benthusen is currently working for BBT as support staff for general office services.
- Jillian Baker left Feb. 4 on a two-year assignment in Central America, working for the Global Mission Partnerships of the Church of the Brethren General Board as a volunteer with Brethren Volunteer Service. She will serve as community development staff for the Foundation for Self Sufficiency in El Salvador, organizing sustainable development projects in the areas of reforestation, micro-enterprise, and health. Her first task will be to help the foundation conduct a community needs and skills survey to study the potential for micro-enterprise projects. She is from Woodbridge, Va., and holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and Hispanic studies from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va.
- The New Windsor (Md.) Conference Center is welcoming back Olive Provost, who will serve as volunteer hostess in the Old Main building for the month of February.
- Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) seeks an assistant to the director of office operations, to fill a fulltime hourly position at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The starting date is April 1, or as negotiated. Responsibilities include to assist the director of office operations, type letters and other documents, coordinate special events such as employee/retiree recognitions and a fitness challenge, create and maintain a database of human resource records, establish and maintain a congregational database, maintain a central key system, maintain vacation records for staff, maintain a filing system for board documents, maintain subscriptions, assist with record retention, assist with mailings, back up the general office services representative as needed. Qualifications include confidentiality–which is critical to this position, proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite Software specifically Word and Excel, grammar and writing skills, organizational skills, ability to multitask, and a positive, committed, and collaborative working style. Education and experience required includes a bachelor’s degree or at least five years of experience of secretarial or general office duties. Submit a resume, letter of interest, and three references to Donna March, Director of Office Operations, Brethren Benefit Trust, 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; 800-746-1505 ext. 371; dmarch_bbt@brethren.org. Interviews will begin later in February.
- The Church of the Brethren’s Western Pennsylvania District seeks a fulltime district children/youth ministries coordinator. The District Core Leadership Team approved a position description for this emerging ministry need. The position will be filled as soon as interviews are conducted and a candidate is approved by the Core Leadership Team. This position, in part, will spend time in district leadership development and resourcing, but most time and effort will be expended working closely with the program director of Camp Harmony to provide a wide range of programs for children and youth. The person called to this position must be willing and able to work in collaboration with others to develop programs and provide leadership in implementing programs. A person with a passion and desire to be in ministry to youth and children should consider this position. Apply for the position by requesting a position description from Western Pennsylvania District, 115 Spring Rd., Hollsopple, PA 15935-7412; 814-479-2181; 866-279-2181; rbeachley_ds@brethren.org. Along with the position description, applicants will receive an application form and background check form to be completed before an interview is considered. The deadline for receiving applications is March 1.
- Cross Keys Village-The Brethren Home Community in New Oxford, Pa., seeks a human resources director. The community is seeking an experienced human resources professional with 7-10 years generalist experience. The ideal candidate will possess a bachelor’s degree, excellent recruiting skills, employee relations and internal consulting skills, knowledge of employment laws, excellent interpersonal skills, and compensation and benefits expertise in a healthcare setting. SPHR desirable. The community offers a competitive salary and benefits package. E-mail a resume with salary requirements to Cross Keys Village, Ref: HR, at recruiteba@comcast.net. No telephone calls, please. EOE.
- Sharing Services Agency/MutualAid eXchange (MAX), a property and casualty insurance company serving Anabaptists across the US and Canada, has announced a producer/agent career opportunity. The agency seeks a candidate desiring a career opportunity using relationship building and sales skills in an insurance environment within a Christian faith community. MAX is faith-based, and provides property and casualty insurance products and Mutual Aid Ministries programs. To learn more visit http://www.mutualaidexchange.com/. Resumes may be e-mailed to skwine@maxkc.com or faxed to 877-785-0085.
- A re-lighting project has been underway at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., beginning last week. The project consists of changing all tubes and ballasts in every light fixture in the building from T12 to the more energy efficient T8 lamps. A total of 587 fluorescent fixtures will be changed.
- Three employees received service honors recently at the annual Fahrney-Keedy Home and Village recognition dinner. Fahrney-Keedy Home and Village is a Church of the Brethren continuing care retirement community near Boonsboro, Md. Kelli Lichtenberg, assistant director of accounting, received the Grace Grimm Award as Employee of the Year. Jenna Hoffman, MDS (Minimum Data Set) coordinator in nursing and an LPN, received the Customer Service Award. Melissa Ward, who started as an LPN and was promoted to an LPN team leader position, was named Rookie of the Year.
- Human rights activist John Prendergast will lead discussions on genocide on Feb. 18 at Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind. The public is invited to a 10 a.m. convocation in Cordier Auditorium and a 4 p.m. panel discussion in the College Union. Prendergast will deliver the convocation address on conditions in Darfur and Rwanda, and participate in the panel discussion along with Sudanese refugee and Manchester senior peace studies major Felix Lohitai, two Darfurian refugees, and Holocaust scholar Glenn Sharfman, vice president and dean of academic affairs. Prendergast is co-founder of ENOUGH, a joint initiative of the International Crisis Group and the Center for American Progress seeking to build a permanent constituency to end genocide and crimes against humanity. Underwriting Prendergast’s visit is a grant from Plowshares, the consortium of Indiana’s three historic peace colleges–Manchester, Goshen, and Earlham, funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.
- Fourteen Brethren were among participants in the New Community Project’s inaugural Learning Tour to Nepal in early January. The delegation was hosted by Women Empowerment, a grassroots organization working in poor rural communities. The New Community Project has supported efforts by Women Empowerment to provide skills training for village women along with scholarships for girls’ education. The Church of the Brethren’s Global Women’s Project also has lent support for the training workshops. The tour visited women’s groups, a Fair Trade factory, and took in Nepali cultural attractions. On the way to Nepal, the tour group was hosted in Delhi, India, by the Center on Science and the Environment. For more go to http://www.newcommunityproject.org/.
- The Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) Committee has reorganized, with an election of officers at its Oct. 2007 meeting, as announced in the “BRF Witness.” J. Eric Brubaker has succeeded Kenneth Leininger as secretary; Leininger will continue to serve as events coordinator and assistant secretary-treasurer; Craig Alan Myers continues as chair; and Carl Brubaker continues as treasurer. Also serving on the committee are Mervin C. Groff, Walter K. Heisey, Jordan P. Keller, Paul E. Schildt, John A. Shelly, and David R. Wenger. The BRF also announced that its next Brethren Alive event will be July 25-27 at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College on the theme, “The Future of the Church of the Brethren,” preceded by the group’s annual Brethren Bible Institute on July 21-25 also at Elizabethtown. More information will be made available at http://www.brfwitness.org/.
5) Brethren Benefit Trust opens search for president.
The Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), an agency of the Church of the Brethren, is seeking applicants for the position of president. BBT’s offices are located at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill. The primary services of BBT are the administration of the Pension Plan and the Brethren Foundation.
The president serves as the chief executive officer for BBT, including all its corporate entities (Brethren Benefit Trust, Brethren Benefit Trust, Inc., Brethren Foundation, Trustee, Pension Plan Trust). The president will oversee the administration and operations of BBT by leading, administering, managing, and inspiring the staff of BBT, modeling servant leadership. The president will guide BBT in its service to the Church of the Brethren by developing and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with individuals and organizations which are affiliated with or share the values of the Church of the Brethren.
The full position description can be found on the website of BBT (http://www.brethrenbenefittrust.org/) at www.brethrenbenefittrust.org/About%20pages/President.pdf. Church of the Brethren membership is preferred. The president will be expected to live in the Elgin area.
The Search Committee appointed by the BBT Board of Directors is composed of Eunice Culp, Search Committee chair; Harry Rhodes, BBT Board chair; Janice Bratton, BBT Board vice chair; Donna Forbes Steiner, BBT Board member; and Fred Bernhard, former longterm BBT Board member. Ralph McFadden has been retained as the search consultant.
The deadline for applications is April 30. Applicants are requested to send a current resume, cover letter, and three references via e-mail to Ralph McFadden, Search Committee Consultant, Hikermac@sbcglobal.net. Hard copies, if necessary, may be sent to 352 Shiloh Ct., Elgin, IL 60120.
6) Gather ’Round offers youth and junior high supplement for summer.
The Gather ’Round Sunday school curriculum is offering a new Youth/Junior Youth Summer Supplement this year. The supplement accompanies either the Summer 2008 “Connect” guide for parents and caregivers of children, or the teacher’s guide for multiage groups.
Gather ’Round is the Sunday school curriculum published jointly by Brethren Press and the Mennonite Publishing Network. Order curriculum materials from Brethren Press at 800-441-3712, shipping and handling charges will be added to the following prices given below.
“The Things that Make for Peace” is the Gather ’Round theme for Summer 2008 (June 1 through Aug. 24). “Peace is fundamental to our understanding of the biblical message,” commented Gather ’Round director and editor Anna Speicher. “Often we think of peace as a particularly New Testament theme, but this summer we will explore perspectives on peace and peacemaking from the Old as well as the New Testament. Children and adults alike will enjoy the creative ways our writers present both familiar and unfamiliar stories.”
Congregations that purchase the summer “Connect” or the summer Multiage teacher’s guide will be able to purchase the Youth/Junior Youth Summer Supplement either as a download or on a CD (download for $29.95, CD for $32.95; buy one per class). The supplement includes suggestions for reading and presenting Bible stories, “Connect to the Story” activities, “Responding” options, and a reproducible page for each session. Purchase of the supplement includes the right to make copies of the “okay to photocopy” pages for each youth in a class. For opening and closing activities and reflecting questions, teachers are to use the suggestions in one of the books the supplement accompanies.
Other summer resources offered by Gather ’Round:
- The preschool curriculum for ages three and four, with tips for twos, includes the “My Bible Storybook” student book ($6.95 each, order one per student), a teacher’s guide ($7.95), and a classroom pack ($19.95).
- The multiage curriculum for grades K-6, with tips for older children, includes the “Together” student book ($6.95, order one per student), a teacher’s guide ($7.95), and a classroom pack ($19.95);
- The parent/caregiver curriculum for adults, group or individual use, includes the “Connect” book ($8.95 each, order one for the teacher and one per student), and a classroom pack ($19.95).
- The quarterly Talkabout is a take-home aid for families to talk about faith using weekly Bible themes from Sunday school. This summer’s Talkabout will be printed on multi-colored origami paper with instructions for folding peace cranes or peace doves ($5.95, order one per family).
- Congregations may want to encourage households to bring their cranes to church week by week through the summer to display in the sanctuary or fellowship room, and consider holding a special closing worship at the end of the summer on the theme of peace. Summer worship resources also will be available free of charge at http://www.gatherround.org/.
7) Brethren Press carries two Vacation Bible School resources.
Brethren Press is carrying two Vacation Bible School (VBS) kits for use by Brethren congregations this summer:
“Listen Up! Messages from God” (Faith and Life Press) is available from Brethren Press for $129.99 plus shipping and handling, call 800-441-3712. “Listen Up! Messages from God” is a flexible Bible curriculum for ages 4 through grade 8. Fun, broadly-graded activity centers offer kids hands-on learning, as well as an easy way to plug in adult volunteers. Materials are planned for five days, and are adaptable to camp, retreat, or midweek programs. “Listen Up!” introduces kids to biblical prophets whose messages remind everyone that there is one true God who loves them: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Amos, and Daniel. As they meet a new prophet each day through worship, drama, and interactive “Listen Up Links,” children and junior youth will discover that God’s messages still hold true today.
“Rainforest Adventure” (Augsburg Fortress), is available from Brethren Press for $69.99 plus shipping and handling, call 800-441-3712. Easy to use, the kit offers everything needed to create a VBS experience. Guides and resources are easy to use. The God-centered curriculum also makes for an adventure into God’s word, and a faith-filled week with a stewardship theme that teaches children to take care of God’s wondrous creation and each other too.
–Jeff Lennard is director of marketing and sales for Brethren Press.
Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board, cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Frank Buhrman, Merv Keeney, Jon Kobel, Jeri S. Kornegay, Karin Krog, Donna March, Ralph McFadden, David Radcliff, Glen Sargent, Anna Speicher, and Sharon K Wine contributed to this report. Newsline appears every other Wednesday, with other special issues sent as needed. The next regularly scheduled issue is set for Feb. 27. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. For more Brethren news and features, subscribe to “Messenger” magazine, call 800-323-8039 ext. 247.