(May 11, 2007) — Webcasts about mental illness and the Virginia Tech tragedy are now available at the Church of the Brethren webcast site (www.cobwebcast.bethanyseminary.edu/). In a series of five webcasts offered by the Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC), psychologist John Wenger of Anderson, Ind., a member of the Church of the Brethren, offers a deeper understanding of mental illness, and opportunities to support individuals and families who live with mental illnesses.
The webcasts were recorded in the weeks following the tragedy as a way to respond to the mental health concerns raised in television and print media. These webcasts are a collaboration between the Voice: Mental Illness Ministry of ABC, and Bethany Theological Seminary, which provided technological expertise for creating the webcasts.
The Voice Ministry website offers several links to resources about mental health and worship materials created by Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren of Blacksburg, Va. (visit www.brethren.org/abc/advocacy/vt_response.html or call ABC at 800-323-8039 for a printed copy). Additional resources about mental illness and mental health are available for congregations wanting to enter into a more intentional ministry to assist individuals and families on a journey of recovery from mental illness. These resources, titled “Offering Hope: The Church’s Role with Mental Illness,” are available from www.brethren.org/abc/hps_theme/hps_06/index.html; or by calling ABC for a free printed copy.
ABC provides publications, educational and faith opportunities that encourage the Church of the Brethren to do caring ministries as the work of Jesus Christ.