(June 28, 2007) — Onsite reporting from the 2007 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, will be posted daily at http://www.brethren.org/. The daily web pages will begin to be posted as of late evening June 29 through July 4.
The online news coverage will include daily overviews of Annual Conference events, reports from business sessions, feature stories, a photos page, and a review of worship along with each day’s sermon text and worship bulletin.
The printed Wrap Up of the Conference also will be posted online this year as a pdf. Congregations and their delegates are invited to reprint this piece for use in their reporting from the Annual Conference.
Go to www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2007/AC2007/Index.html to find the Annual Conference web pages.
The Church of the Brethren Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. To receive Newsline by e-mail go to http://listserver.emountain.net/mailman/listinfo/newsline. Submit news to the editor at cobnews@brethren.org. For more Church of the Brethren news and features, subscribe to “Messenger” magazine; call 800-323-8039 ext. 247.