The 2006 World Mission Offering emphasis for the Church of the Brethren General Board invites congregations and church members to “Come walk with us in mission.”
The offering is designed to foster and deepen ongoing ties between global mission workers and congregations. The suggested date for congregations to observe World Mission Sunday is Oct. 8, but the materials are not tied to this date.
“Our gifts to mission work are an amazing way for us to ‘walk the talk,’” said Carol Bowman, the board’s stewardship development counselor. “Not only do we commit our pocketbooks to God, but we share our resources as God desires, and we share our faith as God calls,” she said. “This is the full circle of faithfulness: discipleship, stewardship, and evangelism.”
Free resources include a new world map showing Brethren global connections, a bulletin insert, special offering envelopes, and an interpretation guide giving worship resources in English and Spanish. To access offering resources, including background slides to use in a power point or other media presentation, go to
Offering materials were produced in a cooperative effort of the General Board’s Funding and Global Mission Partnerships Offices.
For more information and additional resources about Church of the Brethren global missions, call 800-323-8039 ext. 227.