
Newsline for October 11, 2006

“Bless the Lord, O my soul.” — Psalm 104:1a


1) Leaders for the 2007 Annual Conference are announced.
2) Brethren professor presents to World Council of Churches conference.
3) On Earth Peace commemorates day for peace, holds Together conversations.
4) Disaster grants go to Mississippi rebuilding, Church World Service.
5) Disaster response in Virginia and beyond.
6) Fahrney-Keedy launches autograph quilt fundraiser.
7) Brethren bits: Mission Alive conference, college events, and more.


8) Norman and Carol Spicher Waggy to develop health ministry for Dominican church.
9) Two editors join staff of Gather ’Round curriculum.


10) National Older Adult Conference to be held in 2008 and 2009.
11) Outdoor Ministries Association holds a national conference.

Para ver la traducción en español de este artículo, “Un Miembro de la junta directiva del Comité Paz en la Tierra trabaja con un subcomité de las Naciones Unidas en el área de racismo,” vaya a www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2006/sep2706.htm#2a. (A Spanish translation of the article “On Earth Peace board member works with UN subcommittee on racism,” is now available online at www.brethren.org/genbd/newsline/2006/sep2706.htm#2a. The article appeared in the Sept. 27 issue of Newsline.)

To receive Newsline by e-mail or to unsubscribe, go to http://listserver.emountain.net/mailman/listinfo/newsline. For more Church of the Brethren news, go to www.brethren.org, click on “News” to find a news feature, more “Brethren bits,” links to Brethren in the news, and links to the General Board’s photo albums and the Newsline archive.

1) Leaders for the 2007 Annual Conference are announced.

The Program and Arrangements Commitee for the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference has completed its recruiting of leadership for the Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, June 30-July 4, 2007. Preachers, worship leaders, music coordinator, choir director, organist, pianist, and children’s choir director have been announced.

Preachers are Jeff Carter, pastor of Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren, on Saturday evening June 30; Belita Mitchell, Annual Conference moderator and pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Harrisburg, Pa., on Sunday morning July 1; Duane Grady, a member of the Church of the Brethren General Board’s Congregational Life Team, on Monday evening July 2; Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va., on Tuesday evening July 3; and Ataloa Woodin, pastor of Community Brethren Church, a Church of the Brethren congregation in Fresno, Calif., on Wednesday morning July 4.

Worship leaders are Chrissy Sollenberger of Annville, Pa., who was a youth speaker at National Youth Conference this summer; James Beckwith, Annual Conference moderator-elect and pastor of Annville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren; Brandon Grady, a Bethany Seminary student from Richmond, Ind.; Bev and Eric Anspaugh, pastor of Florin Church of the Brethren in Mount Joy, Pa.; and Erin Matteson, co-pastor of Modesto (Calif.) Church of the Brethren.

Coordinating worship will be Program and Arrangements Committee member Joanna Willoughby of Wyoming, Mich. Joseph Helfrich, a Church of the Brethren musician from Bradford, Ohio, will coordinate the music. Rebecca Rhodes of Roanoke, Va., will serve as choir director; and Raymonde Rougier of Dayton, Ohio, will direct the children’s choir. This year’s organist is Chris Brewer of Bradford, Ohio, and on the piano/keyboard will be Bob Iseminger of Roanoke, Va.

For more about the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference go to www.brethren.org/ac.


2) Brethren professor presents to World Council of Churches conference.

Pamela Brubaker, a Church of the Brethren member and professor of religion at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, Calif., was a featured speaker for consultations of the World Council of Churches (WCC) held in conjunction with the first meeting of the WCC’s new Central Committee. She spoke for a consultation Sept. 5-6 commemorating the 40th anniversary of a landmark 1966 World Conference on Church and Society, where she gave a paper entitled, “The Approach of the Geneva 1966 Conference to Development.” She also participated in a workshop Sept. 7-9 on the theme, “Acting Together for Transformation.”

At the 1966 conference, the ecumenical community made a major commitment to the moral imperative of development, Brubaker said in a telephone interview following the consultations. For example, the 1966 conference was the first WCC event where half of the delegates were from the “global south.” The 1966 event focused on the social and technical revolutions of the time, anticipating later debates on disarmament, racism, and a New International Economic Order.

Because of her work in the 1980s for a doctoral dissertation on economic development, entitled “Women Don’t Count: The Challenge of Women’s Poverty to Christian Ethics,” Brubaker was asked to offer an interpretation and critique of the presentation of development made in 1966. In her dissertation she had looked at development from the point of view of impoverishment, and the differences between women’s and men’s poverty.

In her review of the 1966 conference, Brubaker noted that few women participated, and there was little recognition of the problems related to economic development such as pollution and poverty. She also perceived a tension between those who thought a social welfare society was a good model for development–who tended to be from the global north, she said–and others questioning if it would be a good model for their societies. Those who questioned the model pointed out that there were still poor people in the north, and concluded that the model does not work, she said. Brubaker added that this debate was still a source of tension at the WCC’s most recent assembly this February in Brazil.

At the workshop, participants focused on an “AGAPE” process affirmed at the 2006 WCC assembly. Brubaker explained that AGAPE has emerged from the WCC’s commitment to examine economic globalization and how it affects the lives of people in the global south in particular, a discussion that has taken place up to now through regional conferences in various areas of the world.

The regional conferences expressed concerns about economic globalization, “concern both that more people were said to be suffering from globalization as well as the earth was suffering,” Brubaker said. The regional conferences sent letters to the people and churches of their regions, asking them also to take responsibility for and help address the problems related to economic globalization. This process came to be called AGAPE, an acronym for “Alternative Globalization Addressing People and Earth.”

“What’s important about (AGAPE) is it wasn’t a few staff people” at the WCC who were working on the process, but was carried out by the people of the world, Brubaker said. The workshop she attended included about 30 people from a variety of countries and faith traditions and ages, who together sought the next steps forward in the AGAPE process. The workshop helped the WCC “identify key points in terms of going forward,” she said, and also helped the organization “look at ways to make member churches be more aware of the AGAPE process.” For example, Brubaker sees a connection between the WCC’s AGAPE process and the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference paper this year supporting the UN’s Millennium Development Goals.

It was “good to take that look back and reaffirm the commitment to addressing economic justice issues” first taken in 1966, Brubaker said. However, she celebrated the WCC’s new commitments as well, “to things like care for the earth,” she said. The consultations also raised good questions, such as, are there benefits to globalization or only negative impacts?

“There needs to be more work done” on issues related to globalization, she said. “Currently there is sharp criticism of current models of globalization,” pointing to a need to offer alternatives, she said. And alternatives are possible, she asserted. “You don’t have to have a blueprint of all the details, but we have pieces of it,” she said, giving the examples of fair trade and micro development. “Be imaginative in thinking of other development alternatives,” she urged.

Brubaker’s work with the WCC in recent years has encompassed several other small consultations, including participation in encounters with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), where she took part as author of a book published in 2001, “Globalization at What Price? Economic Change and Daily Life.” She also is co-editor of a book published in July, “Justice in a Global Economy: Strategies for Home, Community, and World” (Westminster John Knox Press/Geneva Press, 2006), edited with Rebecca Todd Peters and Laura A. Stivers.

Brubaker will teach a three-weekend course on “Ethics and Globalization” at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., in the spring. The course will be held Feb. 16-17, March 16-17, and April 20-21, 2007. Contact the seminary at 800-287-8822.

For more information about the World Council of Churches, go to http://www.oikoumene.org/.

3) On Earth Peace commemorates day for peace, holds Together conversations.

The On Earth Peace Board of Directors and staff met September 21-23, 2006, at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. The devotional theme used scriptures that focused on “Transformational Change.” The board, led by chair Bev Weaver, continued its use of the formal consensus process for discussion and decision-making.

Just prior to the beginning of the board meetings, board, staff, and others from the Brethren Service Center community gathered to commemorate the United Nations’ and World Council of Churches’ International Day of Prayer for Peace. For this commemoration, hundreds of handmade pinwheels for peace were placed around the Brethren Service Center.

Throughout the meeting, the board and staff joined together for four sessions of Together: Conversations on Being the Church, facilitated by Joe Detrick, executive minister of Southern Pennsylvania District.

In other highlights of the meeting, the board and staff considered a proposal and began discernment work on issues of sexual orientation and inclusion in the church. A small group of board and staff members was created to coordinate planning for future discernment.

Committee reports included the Finance Committee’s presentation of the current financial report and proposed fiscal year 2007 budget. For fiscal year 2006, which ended Sept. 30, it appears income will be sufficient to cover expense, with income somewhat below budget and expenses considerably below budget. The board approved a balanced budget of $515,000 for fiscal year 2007.

In addition, the Advancement Committee presented ideas to increase approaches to congregations and how board members can hold a house party as a way to connect people to the ministries of On Earth Peace. The Personnel Committee reported on revisions in the personnel policy manual and other matters. The Executive Committee reported on subgroups created to provide support and supervision for the On Earth Peace co-directors, the appointment of Bev Weaver as the On Earth Peace representative to the Annual Conference Program Feasibility Committee, and the dates the board will meet in 2008: April 17-19 and Sept. 25-27.

Staff reports highlighted the first of the Shalom Series practical peacemaking booklets, “Shalom–Christ’s Way of Peace,” which will be out this fall; the Brethren Service Committee video “Food and Clothing, Cattle and Love: Brethren Service in Europe After World War II,” which debuted at National Older Adult Conference; the launch of On Earth Peace’s newly designed website; On Earth Peace’s presence and activities at Annual Conference, National Youth Conference, and National Older Adult Conference.

Upcoming events include the Counter Recruitment Conference Nov. 3-5, sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee, where On Earth Peace staff member Matt Guynn will be a featured speaker; a January 10-22 delegation to Palestine and Israel co-sponsored by On Earth Peace and Christian Peacemaker Teams led by Rick Polhamus; an Advanced Reconciliation Skills workshop at Camp Mack, Nov. 15-17, focused on building healthy congregations and led by General Board staff member Jim Kinsey; and an inter-generational weekend planned for January with the Manchester Church of the Brethren, North Manchester, Ind., including sessions with adults as well as youth.

Reports were received from board members who serve in liaison relationships and roles in other organizations, including Christian Peacemaker Teams, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, and the New Community Project. Members of the Doing Church Business Committee gave a report from Annual Conference and the next steps in the consideration of the paper brought by this committee.

The board called the following people to leadership: chair Bev Weaver, vice chair Dena Lee (also serving as pastor to the board), secretary Lauree Hersch Meyer, treasurer Doris Abdullah, and additional executive committee members Dena Gilbert and Robbie Miller.

For more about On Earth Peace go to www.brethren.org/oepa.


4) Disaster grants go to Mississippi rebuilding, Church World Service.

Grants from the Emergency Disaster Fund of the Church of the Brethren General Board have provided $25,000 to a rebuilding site in Mississippi, and $44,000 to the work of Church World Service (CWS).

The Church of the Brethren rebuilding site in Lucedale, Miss., opened in mid-January and has served about 70 families affected by last year’s hurricanes. Brethren Disaster Response is working in Lucedale with Disaster Recovery Services of George County, Miss. The allocation of $25,000 is continuing financial support of the project.

The grant to CWS supports its Disaster Response and Recovery Liaison program. The program provides professional Christian staff that help communities recovering from disaster by supporting longterm physical, psychological, and spiritual recovery, and acquiring sustainable forms of preparedness.

5) Disaster response in Virginia and beyond.

Down in the Gulf, there are roofs on houses that didn’t have one and siding on exteriors that had been pierced by flying two-by-fours. There’s new flooring in kitchens and caulking around windows. There are homes with new cabinets and people who have been given new hope–all because Wayne Garst sent out some letters and the 92 Church of the Brethren congregations that comprise Virlina District in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina responded.

Disaster relief doesn’t just happen. It’s a finely tuned orchestra of organizers like Garst and the Virlina District Office where Emma Jean Woodard provides staff leadership for disaster response. They are joined by project managers who serve for one month and volunteers who work for a week on a “recovery project” to help disaster victims who have no access to insurance. “I’ve given dozens of presentations over the 10 years I’ve been doing this,” Garst says, “but it’s not been difficult to recruit volunteers lately. Every time I go out, there’s more interest.”

After getting a call from Woodard, Garst has little problem filling up those weekly time slots she forwards from Roanoke. “All it takes is one member from a recovery group who comes back to the congregation on fire,” he says. “That’s enough.”

Garst knows that his counterparts at other denominations in Virginia have made similar preparations. The Virginia Baptist Disaster Relief Services, for example, is ready to deliver meals, clean water, and emergency power. The Lutheran Disaster Response has scores of volunteers trained to help with clean up and rebuilding. The Methodists have a national and international hotline that can rally volunteers in an e-mail instant.

These and a host of others share membership in the Virginia Council of Churches (VCC). Although the VCC’s member denominations have separate organizations, they are working together through a group called Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, or VOAD. It’s a national group that also has chapters at the state and regional levels, and helps a wide range of groups organize their efforts. Members include church and non-church organizations, such as the American Red Cross and various state and local emergency relief groups. Besides creating a network among volunteer groups, VOAD also establishes the link to state and federal emergency offices. The Virginia VOAD has about 60 member groups.

VOAD is “the organization that really facilitates our collaboration,” says Jan Tobias, disaster response coordinator for Lutheran Family Services of Virginia. Through regular meetings the dozens of volunteer groups talk about what resources they can provide and make connections with each other. “It’s an important linking organization,” Tobias says. “You’ve got to have relationships established before a disaster comes.”

(Excerpted from an article provided by the Virginia Council of Churches. David W. Miller of West Richmond Church of the Brethren is chair of the council’s communications committee.)


6) Fahrney-Keedy launches autograph quilt fundraiser.

Fahrney-Keedy Memorial Home, Inc., a Church of the Brethren retirement center in Boonsboro, Md., created an Autograph Quilt Committee in early June of this year, which has been requesting autographs from celebrities for a quilt to be auctioned as a fundraiser for the home.

The committee coordinated by Betsy Miller, who joined the Fahrney-Keedy staff in April, sent letters to over 300 celebrities enclosing a fabric square with every letter, requesting that they autograph the fabric. The first celebrity to respond was Jerry Lewis, and many more soon followed. One autograph recently received was from Elizabeth Taylor. Others that have responded include John Travolta, Charlton Heston, Lauren Bacall, Regis Philbin, Betty White, and Nascar’s Jimmy Johnson and Carl Edwards. To date, a total of 60 autographs have been received.

The project brings enjoyment to the residents, their families, staff, and visitors, according to a release from the home: “Everyone looks forward to seeing ‘who we get today’ and reminiscing about the movies and shows their favorite stars appeared in. Each autograph received is proudly displayed on the main office window with a picture of the celebrity.”

The committee will begin to construct a quilt top this month. They hope to receive offers from volunteers willing and able to assist in the quilting process (contact Betsy Miller at 301-671-5016 or bmiller@fkmh.org). Once completed, the quilt will be listed on a national auction website. All proceeds will be donated to the benevolent and operating funds of Fahrney-Keedy Home and Village.


7) Brethren bits: Mission Alive, citizenship seminar, and more.
  • The General Board has decided to cancel the Mission Alive 2007 conference scheduled for April 2007. Staff made the decision after key sponsoring partners withdrew their support over disagreement with staff decisions and process. Mission executive Mervin Keeney expressed his disappointment at the turn of events. “The first mission conference had been a unifying and energizing event that had been meaningful in the life of the church, and a series of such conferences was proposed to continue to build momentum and common ground,” he said. “The General Board seeks to serve and hold together all the parts of the church,” Keeney said. “This has been a difficult decision, but is made in the best interest of the church.” Conversations around future mission conferences are anticipated.
  • The 2007 Christian Citizenship Seminar on the theme, “The State of Our Health,” will be held March 24-29, 2007, in New York City and Washington, D.C. The event for high school age youth is sponsored by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry and the Brethren Witness/Washington Office of the Church of the Brethren General Board. Participants will learn about the HIV/AIDS explosion in Africa and the impact of poverty on health worldwide, and have the opportunity to discuss the advantages, challenges, and privilges of health care programs. Online registration begins Jan. 1, 2007, with participation reserved for the first 100 youth who register. Contact the Brethren Witness/Washington Office at 800-785-3246, or the Youth and Young Adult office at 800-323-8039 for more information.
  • The Brethren Witness/Washington Office will have a presence at the School of Americas Watch event at Fort Benning, Ga., Nov. 17-19. The Brethren Witness/Washington Office is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren General Board. The office plans to offer an information table on Saturday and Sunday, and from 7-9:30 p.m. on Saturday evening will host a Brethren gathering followed by a concert with Mutual Kumquat. The gathering and concert will be held at the Presidential Room at the Howard Johnson hotel. For more information contact the office at 800-785-3246. For detailed information about the witness see http://www.soaw.org/.
  • Jeffrey Kovac, professor of chemistry and director of undergraduate studies at the University of Tennessee, will speak on “Confrontation at the Locks: A National Protest of the Japanese Evacuation” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12 in Cole Hall at Bridgewater (Va.) College. Kovac’s address will focus on the experience of a college student of Japanese descent, George Kiyoshi Yamada, who was a conscientious objector and went to Civilian Public Service (CPS) camp at Cascade Locks, Ore., during World War II. Sponsored by the W. Harold Row Lecture Series, the address is open to the public at no charge. For more about Bridgewater College, go to http://www.bridgewater.edu/.
  • The 60-voice McPherson (Kan.) College Choir will open its 2006-07 season with a Homecoming Concert on Oct. 15, at 2 p.m. at McPherson Church of the Brethren. The choir is conducted by Steven Gustafson, who holds the Dotzour Chair in Music and is in his 27th year on the college faculty. The choir is in its 74th year. The concert is free, and the public is invited to attend. A free-will offering will help underwrite expenses of the choral program. For more about McPherson College go to http://www.mcpherson.edu/.
  • *The Steering Committee of Womaen’s Caucus will meet in Oak Park and Lombard, Ill., in October. The group has extended an invitation to Church of the Brethren members to meet with them on Saturday evening, Oct. 21, at 6 p.m. at York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, to share about the work of Womaen’s Caucus and women’s issues in the church. Lasagna and salads will be provided; participants are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Please reply to Audrey de Coursey at agd@riseup.net.
  • *Atlantic Southeast District holds its district conference on Oct. 13-14 at Iglesia de los Hermanos in Yahuecas, Adjuntas, P.R. The theme is, “Living Stones Building a Spiritual Church/Piedras Vivas Edificando una Iglesia Espiritual” (1 Peter 2:5/1 Pedro 2:5).
  • *Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) has announced a Depleted Uranium Delegation to take place Nov. 24-Dec. 3, part of a campaign to halt production of depleted uranium munitions. Such weapons have factored into the 89 percent of US military personnel from the first Gulf War who are receiving disability payments, and may be currently used by coalition forces in Iraq, CPT said. The delegation will start in Jonesborough, Tenn., and travel to Rocket Center, W.Va., locations of the two main depleted uranium weapons production facilities in the US. Participants arrange their own transportation to Knoxville, Tenn., and raise $400 for on-ground expenses. For more information see http://www.cpt.org/, click on “Delegations.” Originally a violence-reduction initiative of the historic peace churches (Church of the Brethren, Mennonite, and Quaker), CPT now enjoys support and membership from a wide range of Christian denominations.
  • The New Community Project, a Brethren related nonprofit, has announced its line-up of Learning Tours for 2007. The trips aim for personal and spiritual growth, gaining a better understanding of the world, and building relationships with worldwide neighbors and God’s creation. The trips are open to all ages. Tours are planned to Sudan on Jan. 5-23, Guatemala on March 5-14; Ecuador Amazon on May 15-26; Honduras on July 10-20; Denali/Kenai Fjords National Parks in Alaska on Aug. 10-19; Arctic Village, Alaska, on Aug. 19-28. Dates are pending for a tour to Nepal. For details about plans for learning tour activities, leadership for each tour, and costs, visit http://www.newcommunityproject.org/ or contact David Radcliff at 888-800-2985 or dradcliff@newcommunityproject.org.
  • Church of the Brethren child rights activist Richard Propes has begun a hunger strike in response to the school shootings in Colorado and Pennsylvania. Recognized for his wheelchair Tenderness Tour devoted to ending child abuse and domestic violence, he began a hunger strike at midnight on Oct. 5 with the vision of calling 10,000 people to join him in a renewed commitment to children. The Tenderness Tour is accepting pledges to work to end violence in the lives of children in the community. All 10,000 people who write will be listed on a special “10,000 Voices” page on the website http://www.tendernesstour.com/. Send an e-mail to Richard@tendernesstour.com and include name, last initial, age, and location; or send a postcard or letter to Tenderness Tour, P.O. Box 20367, Indianapolis, IN 46220, including name, last initial, age, and location. Propes plans to extend his hunger strike until 10,000 separate e-mails, letters, or postcards are received. Keep track of the status of the effort at www.myspace.com/tendernesstour.


8) Norman and Carol Spicher Waggy to develop health ministry for Dominican church.

Dr. Norman and Carol Spicher Waggy have accepted a position with the Global Mission Partnerships of the Church of the Brethren General Board, to develop a new health ministry with the church in the Dominican Republic. They will begin in January 2007.

A team that brings both health care and pastoral training, the Waggys have previously served with the Rural Health Program of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa in Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), a community-based health program that may also be appropriate for the Dominican context. The Dominican church is seeking to find ways to serve the regions of the country where it is active and where many communities have little access to any health care.

During an initial four-month assessment period, the Waggys will explore needs and options and discuss possibilities among the DR church. As agreement emerges to move forward, they will then guide and implement this new ministry. Financial support for this new mission venture is invited; designate for “DR-Waggy support” and send to the Church of the Brethren General Board, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120.


9) Two editors join staff of Gather ’Round curriculum.

Rose Stutzman and Nancy Ryan, both Mennonites from Goshen, Ind., are joining the staff of the Gather ’Round curriculum project, published jointly by Brethren Press and Mennonite Publishing Network.

Stutzman began Oct. 3 as associate editor, working three-quarter time. She returned to the US in June after three years in Kenya as a first grade teacher at Rosslyn Academy. She brings a wide variety of editing experiences to the position and will work primarily on editing the Junior Youth, Youth, and Parent/Caregiver units. She will work from her home in Goshen.

Ryan will be responsible primarily for editing the Preschool unit of Gather ’Round, working one-quarter time. She will begin on Oct. 13. Ryan also will work from home. She worked previously as an associate professor at Goshen College, teaching primarily in the Education Department. She has written and edited a number of publications for Mennonite Publishing House, the predecessor of Mennonite Publishing Network.


10) National Older Adult Conference to be held in 2008 and 2009.

At its fall meeting, the Association of Brethren Caregivers (ABC) Board decided to hold the next National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) in 2008 and again in 2009 so that the biennial conference would not occur in the same year as future National Youth Conferences.

“Staff, volunteers and resources were very strained to prepare for and work at three major denominational conferences–Annual Conference, National Youth Conference, and NOAC–all held within a three-month period,” said Kathy Reid, ABC’s executive director. “By moving NOAC to odd-numbered years, the ABC Board is demonstrating good stewardship of staff, volunteers, and resources. As the agency representing the caring ministries of the church, we’re also trying to encourage the wellness of the many people who work in various ways at all three events.”

The ABC Board determined that holding the conferences back to back would successfully move into a new conference schedule while still honoring plans made to hold the next NOAC in 2008. The next NOAC will be held Sept. 1-5, 2008, followed by another on Sept. 7-11, 2009. After 2009, the conference will return to a two-year cycle. NOAC will continue to be held at Lake Junaluska (N.C.) Assembly.


11) Outdoor Ministries Association holds a national conference.

The Outdoor Ministries Association of the Church of the Brethren (OMA) is planning its national conference on Nov. 17-19 at Camp Bethel in Fincastle, Va. “Fill Their Cups: Fostering Leadership” is the theme for the event held every three years for church leaders, educators, youth and children’s ministry leaders, camp staff and leaders, camp boards, district outdoor ministries committees and commissions, and interested people of all denominations.

“Leadership development is hugely important for building tomorrow’s church,” said the brochure for the conference. “As church leaders and camp leaders we frequently encounter members, guests, students, seasonal staff, and summer campers who are on the brink of becoming great leaders; their cup is almost full. When we take opportunity to add a little more–to give them the nudge they need–their potential comes spilling out and their spiritual gifts come into fruition.”

Leaders for the conference include keynote speaker Eugene Roop, president of Bethany Theological Seminary; roundtable leaders Chris Douglas, director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Church of the Brethren General Board, and Jerri Heiser-Wenger and Rex Miller, co-director of Camp Blue Diamond and director of Camp Alexander Mack, respectively; and session leaders Janis Pyle, coordinator for Mission Connections for the General Board, and Paul Grout, former Annual Conference moderator and co-founder of A Place Apart.

Registration costs include meals: $80 per person for those lodging at Camp Bethel, $60 per person without lodging, and $40 per person for Saturday only. Discounts are available for children and seniors. Linens and transport to and from Roanoke Regional Airport are available for a fee. For more information and registration go to www.campbethelvirginia.org/OMA.htm#conf. Contact camp.bethel@juno.com for printed, post-mailed copies of information and registration form.

To receive Newsline by e-mail or to unsubscribe, go to http://listserver.emountain.net/mailman/listinfo/newsline. Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board. Contact the editor at cobnews@brethren.org or 800-323-8039 ext. 260. Mary Dulabaum, Jan Eller, Lerry W. Fogle, Bob Gross, Mary Kay Heatwole, Merv Keeney, Jon Kobel, Karin Krog, Michael B. Leiter, Barry LeNoir, and Anna Speicher contributed to this report. Newsline appears every other Wednesday, with the next regularly scheduled issue set for Oct. 25; other special issues may be sent as needed. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. For more Church of the Brethren news and features, and the Newsline archive, go to www.brethren.org and click on “News”; or subscribe to “Messenger” magazine, call 800-323-8039 ext. 247.


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