
Funds Give Grants for Lebanon Crisis, Katrina Rebuilding, Food Security in Guatemala

In recent grants from the General Board’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) and Global Food Crisis Fund (GFCF), $68,555 has been given for disaster and hunger relief.

An EDF allocation of $25,000 helps alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Lebanon between forces of Hezbollah and Israel. The grant will help provide emergency supplies of food, water, bedding, medicine, and sanitation in support of a Church World Service appeal.

The staff of the church’s Emergency Response program have received an allocation of $25,000 from the EDF to open a new rebuilding site in an area affected by Hurricane Katrina. The funds will provide travel expenses and food and housing for volunteers, leadership training, additional tools and equipment, and some building supplies.

A GFCF grant of $18,555 has been given from the Church of the Brethren Foods Resource Bank account to support the second year of a three-year project in the Totonicapan region of Guatemala. The funds will help increase food diversification through community greenhouse and patio gardening. Additionally, the program promotes appropriate technology, community organization, and food security.


The Church of the Brethren Newsline is produced by Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, director of news services for the Church of the Brethren General Board. Jon Kobel contributed to this report. Newsline stories may be reprinted if Newsline is cited as the source. To receive Newsline by e-mail go to http://listserver.emountain.net/mailman/listinfo/newsline. Submit news to the editor at cobnews@brethren.org. For more Church of the Brethren news and features, subscribe to Messenger magazine; call 800-323-8039 ext. 247.


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