The 2014 Ministerial Leadership paper calls all ministerial leaders to “pay special attention to their ‘spiritual health,’ and continue to improve their professional skills.” As important as formal education is, it does not complete one’s learning and preparation for ministerial leadership; education is a lifelong process.
Leaders must continue to grow spiritually and professionally if they are to provide the quality leadership expected and needed by the membership. Those who do not continue to grow and mature are likely to become discouraged and even dissatisfied with their ministry. These individuals are prime candidates for “burn out.”
However, leaders who actively learn, grow, and seek renewal are more likely to provide inspired and healthy leadership. Continuing education provides a “win-win” situation for both congregations and pastoral leaders.
Church of the Brethren Ministers’ Association
The purpose of this organization shall be to:
- provide a forum for ministers to explore issues that affect their life and work;
- serve as an advocate voice for ministers in the denomination.
- offer ministers continuing education opportunities;
- provide opportunities for deep sharing and community building among ministers;
- advocate for local and district fellowship opportunities that encourage mutual support;
- support the work of the Ministry Assistance Fund;
- strengthen ties with the wider church.
Membership is open to all ministerial leaders of the Church of the Brethren.
2024 Ministers’ Association Event
July 2-3, Grand Rapids, Michigan
“Listening for the Sound of the Genuine” with Dr. Frank A. Thomas.
Download the flyer – Folleto del evento
A preaching workshop led by Dr. Frank A. Thomas, professor of homiletics at Christian Theological Seminary (Indianapolis). His passion is “to teach preachers to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to shape and influence preachers to rise to the height, depth, and beauty of the best of their preaching potential. “
Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church
The Part-Time Pastor; Full-Time Church program is a grant-funded initiative of the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry providing support to multivocational, part-time pastors in their own context.
Clergy Renewal
The Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs at Christian Theological Seminary provide funds to congregations to support renewal leaves for their pastors.
Congregations may apply for grants of to $50,000 to underwrite a renewal program for their pastor and for the pastor’s family, with up to $15,000 of those funds available to the congregation to help cover costs for ministerial supply while the pastor is away. There is no cost to the congregations or the pastors to apply; the grants represent the Endowment’s continued investment in renewing the health and vitality of American Christian congregations.
Click on the link above to obtain up-to-date information on applying.
CEU opportunities
Bethany Theological Seminary list of continuing education events