Policy for Viewing Prerecorded Material for CEUs
Recognizing that live participation is becoming increasingly difficult for mulitivocational ministers and given the growing library of recorded webinars available from denominational agencies, the Brethren Academy is offering clergy the opportunity to view and report on prerecorded webinars and other educational events for CEUs. A standardized reporting process will provide the necessary accountability. Find the updated policy and instructions here.
John Ritner “Positively Irritating”
"Positivley Irritating" Webinar with John Ritner from Church of the Brethren on Vimeo.
Peter Chin “I’ve Reached My Breaking Point as a Pastor”
Melissa Florer-Bixler “Why Pastors Are Joining the Great Resignation”
Circuit Rider Reflections
Defining Set-Apart Ministry Within the Multivocational Reality
Full-Time Church; Part-Time Pastors
Lay leaders of congregations who have found new life with creative pastoral arrangements share about the joys and challenges of life in churches that have called multivocational ministerial leadership.