I take photographs almost every day. I walk every day for health reasons, but find walking boring. Combining it with taking pictures keeps me motivated. As I learn more about photography, I learn to take better pictures. The key is slowing down.
I take photographs of everyday things, mostly of nature. I like taking pictures of flowers because they don’t move much. One of the benefits of taking nature pictures is that I have visited many of the local nature preserves and have been able to learned a little about wildflowers and birding. I am just as happy photographing a dandelion or a sparrow as some uncommon bird.
Over the last two years, I have had a number of health issues with my vision. When you start to lose something, it is natural to appreciate it. One way I cope with my vision issues is to engage in a visual hobby. As my vision has gotten worse, I have needed to slow down and be more intentional in my technique.
Doing photography has taught me
- to slow down,
- to be aware of how my point of view impacts what I am seeing,
- how the lens through which I look at the world affects what I choose to look at,
- to be aware of what is going on in the background,
- the importance of focus,
- the need to avoid clutter,
- how imperfection is where the beauty lives,
- that less is more,
- the world around us is constantly changing,
- Nancy that if you look at things the right way, they look great.
For The Beauty Of The Earth from Adoration: Songs Of Worship
Words by Folliot S. Pierpoint
Music by Conrad Kocher
Arranged by John Leavitt
Copyright (c) 2000 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION
International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved
Used by Permission of Hal Leonard Corporation
“For The Beauty Of The Earth,” from Adoration: Songs Of Worship, Hal Leonard No. 00310642; $10.95; Available via www.musicdispatch.com or at your local music retailers nationwide
Ralph Miner is a life-long member of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill., and a strong supporter of Camp Emmaus, a camp and outdoor ministry center of Illinois and Wisconsin District.
Nancy Miner is a member of the Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill., where she serves as part of the congregation’s volunteer music ministry. She serves as manager in the Office of the General Secretary for the Church of the Brethren, where she also shares her piano music for weekly chapel services.